Scarlet Letter- Chapter 10

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I'm currently in the fashion show. And like what Violet said, Francisco Lachowski is here. When I saw him, the first thought that came to my mind is, He'll be mine. I mean, he's definitely hot. Even though he's dressed, he looks so delicious. Leslie sure knows how to pick a good man. Well, in this case. Not Harry Styles'.

After I walked on the catwalk, the owner of Candies introduced me to Francisco. He's our special guest. He winked at me. I can see he's as interested in me as I was of him.

"Hi. I'm Francisco Lachowski." He shook my hand but didn't let go.

"I'm... Available tonight."

He did a lazy but sexy smile. "Hi, Available Tonight. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. What about you?"

"Great. The fashion show's good. The management did choose an amazing set of models. Especially their newest endorser. She's smokin' hot. You know her?"

"Oh. Maybe I do. Do you?" I said in a husky tone.

"I want to."

I smirked. Then I suddenly remembered Leslie. I still have to introduce her to this greek god before I go on flirting with him all night.

"Oh. Would you mind if I introduced you to someone?" I asked.

"Not really."

I noticed that he hasn't let go of my hand yet. I like it. I walked him to where Vi and Leslie were sitting.

"OMG! Hi Francisco!" Leslie squealed.

Beside me, he laughed. Damn, even his laugh sounds so sexy. "Hey there little girl. What's your name?"

"Leslie." Then she smiled really sweetly at him. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello Leslie." He kissed her on the cheek. Leslie screamed. The people turned to look at us. I shook my head and laughed. I mean, my 6 year old cousin is fangirling over Francisco Lachowski who is actually in front of her in the moment. That's just really funny.

"Leslie, tone down your voice! They're looking at us!" Vi said.

Leslie covered her mouth with her hand but she keeps on screaming.

"She's so cute. Is she your sister?" Francisco asked me.

"No. She's my cousin."

He nodded. "You sort-of look alike. Except for the eyes."

"Maybe," I said.

"Can I have a picture with you?" Leslie asked him.

"Sure sure." He carried her and Vi took a photo of them.

"What about you and Blair?" Leslie asked him again. "Picture please?"

He turned to me and snaked his arm around my waist. Ooh, fast. I like it.

There came the flash of the camera then Vi said, "I think we should get you home now, Leslie. It's getting late."

For the first time, Leslie didn't argue. "Yeah. I'm sleepy."

I was really confused by her action. "Isn't it too early?"

"I'm sleepy!" she glared at me but cocked her head towards Francisco's direction. Like, what was that?

They immediately left and I was alone with Francisco. I smiled at him.

"You said you're available tonight, right?" he asked me and grinned.

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