Scarlet Letter- Chapter 9

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"You're looking good."

I rolled my eyes at Hector Grey who is currently sitting on the chair opposite mine here in a cafe.

"I always do," I replied.

"True. Inspired?"

"Beautiful per se."

He laughed. "You're still the Blair I knew."

I cocked my head to the side. "Maybe. Or maybe not."

"So, what's the deal between you and Harry Styles? Oh! And what about your child?" He laughed.

"That dumbass really made the world think Leslie's my daughter!"

"That's why we're so much alike. You hate kids."

I looked at him weirdly. "I don't. I'm just not yet ready for the responsibilities of having one. Don't compare yourself to me. It's disgusting."

He grinned then leaned in. "You bitches surely know how to make a man so turned on," he said.

"Is that a compliment? If it was, then thanks!"

"It surely was." He held my hand and kissed it. I immediately withdrew it.

"Don't make a pass on me. It's not effective," I said.

"Blair, I still love you. Why can't you just accept me again?"

"Because I don't love you."

"You never loved anyone."

I cocked my head to the side. "I did."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then tell me about it."

I shrugged. He urged me again. "Come on, Blair. Don't be such a kill joy."

I frowned. "How could I be one when I'm not even having fun?"

"You're not having fun?"


"Okay then." He stood up. "It was nice seeing you. I'll go now."

"Bye Hector." I waved my hand at him. He smiled at me then left the café.

After a few minutes, I also decided to leave the place 'cause I still have to go home to check on Leslie.


"Why did I even have an appointment with him? It was all worthless anyway," I told Violet when I found her in our house.

She crinkled her nose. "I really have no idea. By the way, the ads are gonna be out today for Candies."


"I mean, there's a fashion show you still had to attend," she said.

I frowned. "Today? Why am I not aware of my own schedule?"

She shrugged. "Well, you're dependent on me."

I glared at her. "Thanks, Vi," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"You're welcome," she said sweetly.


Here we go again.

"What do you want now?" I told Leslie.

"I want Francisco Lachowski now."

"Wow. First, it was Harry Styles. Now you want Franc- what's his name again? See? I don't even know who he is."

"I don't care asshat!"

My eyes widened. "Where did you get that? Do you even know what an asshat is?"

"No. I just heard it from the TV show Violet was watching. But I do imagine a butt stuck on someone's head. You know, like a hat."

I glared at Vi then back at Leslie. "Never let Mom hear you cuss. She'll send you to where you came from."

"My mother's womb?"

My mouth was hanging open in disbelief. I mean, what is this child's problem? Violet's laughing her ass out.

"Who's Franc-whatever? Can you contact him?" I asked my assistant.

"I don't know." Vi scratched the top of her head. "He's quite..."

"Quite what?"

"Hard to reach? I mean, he just arrived on the country for an endorsement. He's really famous and all and-"

"He's famous? Why haven't I heard about him?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Maybe because you think you're the most famous person in the world?"

Bitch, I mouthed.

Violet laughed. "No, seriously. He's a model too. And he's so hot."

"Yeah!" Leslie agreed.

"So can you contact him or not?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Let's see."

She went out of the room and used her ever useful phone and contacts.

"What happened to Harry?" Leslie suddenly asked me.

"Who knows? Who cares?"

"Did he apologize?"

"No. He's too egoistic to do that."

"Egoistic? What's that?" she asked.

"Selfish, self-centered-"

"But did you saw him again? After the incident?"

"Once, I think. Or maybe twice."


I squinted my eyes at her. "Why do you have so many questions? Are you an undercover detective or something? That's so Nancy Drew."

"Who's Nancy Drew?"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Don't be like a brat if I can't contact whoever-he-is, okay?"

"Okay." She answered too quickly. Hmm. That's new.

"Why are you so good today? You did something evil?" I asked.

"No. I just don't want you to get into trouble again."

Awww. That's the sweetest Leslie could ever be. But instead of telling her I appreciate her concern, I said, "Who cares? The fact that I'm a goddess wouldn't change if I get into trouble."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Goddess of discord."

"Okay. What's discord?" I asked her though I know what that means.

"I don't know. I just heard it from the show Laila used to watch." After a few seconds, she cried silently.

I was shocked so I didn't know what to do. "Hey, what happened? Are you hurt or something?"

She just kept on crying. "Hey," I urged her.

"I miss them," Leslie said.

I hugged her awkwardly, trying to comfort her. She cling into me like she was holding for dear life. We stayed like that for a few minutes. She just let go when Violet returned in the room.

"What's up?" she asked when she saw us.

I shrugged.

"Guess what?" She turned to Leslie and smiled. "Francisco Lachowki's coming to the fashion show later at Candies, where Blair will be going!"

"Really?" Leslie yelled. She easily forgot that she was just crying over her family a while ago. This child's a born-whore. "So I'll come with you?"

"I don't really know if children are allowed there."

"Of course they are! She's a relative of yours!"

I smiled. "So I guess we better get ready to meet Franco Chowy."


"It's Francisco Lachowski, asshat," Leslie told me.


Scarlet Letter (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora