Scarlet Letter- Chapter 14

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"Leslie, you need to rest," I told her. She's sitting alone. It's already a few minutes after 12. Many people had gone home but a few had stayed. My parents, as well as Uncle Mike's family, are talking to the remaining guests.

"I'm not tired," she said, still looking at the flower.

"Leslie, please. Let's go home. You have to sleep. You're tired," I said.

"I'm not tired!" she yelled at me.

I sighed. I saw Mom walking towards us and I'm secretly thankful because she's here to take my place in trying to make Leslie sleep.

"Get some fresh air outside," Mom told me. She squeezed my hand. I squeezed back and went outside.

The air's cold here. I shivered though I'm all covered up. I'm wearing a black shirt with long sleeves and a pair of jeans.

Leslie's parents had died hours before we reach the hospital. Laila was awake when we arrived. But she's too weak, we know she won't last for long. We had a chance to talk to her, especially Leslie. She was crying when talking to her older sister. But then, Laila's heart stopped beating and there was a flat line. The doctors tried to revive her, but it's no use. She passed away.

Leslie was orphaned. Even her sister is dead. But she has me and Mom and Dad and Violet.

"Why are you here? It's cold." He took of his coat and put it on me.

"That's the question I'm about to ask. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in New York?" I asked.

"I went home," he answered simply. Then he hugged me.

I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy his warmth.

"Condolence," Harry said.

"How is Leslie doing?" he when he released me.

I just shook my head and led him inside.

We immediately saw Leslie. She's sitting near the coffin. She's beside my mother and she's shaking her head. It looks like Mom can't make her go to sleep either.

We walked towards them. I introduced him to my Mom. He hugged Leslie afterwards.

Leslie cried in his arms. I left the two of them there. I sat beside Violet somewhere at the back.

"Why is Harry here?"

I shrugged.

"He's really sweet if the reason he's here is to comfort you and Leslie."

"As if I need comforting," I said as I roll my eyes.

She laughed lightly. "But Leslie does. He's really sympathetic, you know."

"I can see."

"And it's obvious that he cares for you."

I didn't say anything. I just shrugged.

"Blair, don't you think it's time for you to settle down?"

I looked at her weirdly. "I'm still young. I'm only 20."

"You're not taking life seriously."

"Why would I? If I did, I'd regret all the things I won't be able to do. If I take life seriously, I can't be carefree. And where is that coming from? You're worse than my mother, thinking I should get married."

"That's not what I'm trying to say. What I'm saying is, take risks. Don't be so reserved when it comes to those who really care for you. You never know when your time's up..."

I nodded. She's right. We never know. We could die tomorrow. Or even today.

"And you're pushing me to Harry?" I voiced out my thought.

She shook her head. "Not Harry in particular. For all the people who care for you that you shook away; the men you never let in your heart. You only had flings, Blair. No real boyfriends."

"Coming from the single lady."

She smirked. "But I'm open to anyone who's willing to love me for who I truly am," she said seriously.

I watched as Harry smoothed Leslie's hair. He's rubbing her back with his other hand.

"You're afraid to be tied to someone. You're scared of commitments. You fear that if you allow someone in your heart, he'll only break it. Like what George did. But George is in the past. He's old news, B." At that, she rolled her eyes. "Try to let someone in. And if you don't like it, you can always throw him out."

I smiled. "Not Harry though," I said. I can't let him in. He cares for me so much, I'm afraid I would only hurt him.

Though I didn't voice that out, Vi understands. "Maybe you could try with..."

We look at each other's eyes and say at the same time, "Pierre."

We both smirked. My gaze fell on Harry and he's urging me to come. I stood up and walked towards him and Leslie.

"She's asleep," he said in a hushed voice.

I nodded. "Can you carry her?" I whispered.

He nodded. He carried Leslie like she weighs nothing. I told Mom that I'd drop Leslie at home but she insisted that I should take a rest too. I didn't argue 'cause I'm really physically tired. I haven't had much sleep since we went to New York and back here at London.

"Thanks," I told Harry when he put Leslie down on the backseat of my car.

"You want me to come with you so I could carry Leslie to her room?" he offered.

I smiled. "Sure."

"I'll take my car."

I nodded and drove off.


"You want something to drink?"

He shook his head and sat down on our couch.

I sat down on the lounge chair opposite him. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming here in London when you're supposed to be on tour."

He looked at me and smiled. "It's nothing."

"So... When did you arrive here?"

"Just a while ago. I went straight there."

"Does your Mom knows you're back at London?"

"Of course. I tell her everything."

"Is it only you who came here or the other boys here too?" I asked.

"Only me. We can't be all gone for the tour though the other guys want to be here to give their condolences."


He scowled at me and I laughed. "I'm just kidding. How long will you stay here?"

"As long as you need me," he answered.

I rolled my eyes.

He laughed. "When do you want me to leave?"

I shrugged.

"Wow. No witty comeback? Or 'You could leave now. I can't wait!'?"


"That's new. Anyway, I'm staying here as long as I'm needed."

I smiled. "It's getting late. Your mom's probably wondering where you are."

He checked his watch and stood up. I did too. "No, she isn't. She knows where I am. But you're right, it's late and my head feels weird. Jet lag, you may call it."

I grimaced, knowing exactly how it feels.

"Thank you," I told him when we're already near his car.

He smiled. "Anytime."

And I kissed him on the lips.


Scarlet Letter (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora