Scarlet Letter- Chapter 6

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"What? I told you, she's my cousin! Why the hell wouldn't you listen?" I'm really tired of defending myself to these guards. We're at their security office in the theme park. They're not letting me out.

"But this-"

"Listen, you ugly asshole. You can even look for our files and see that we're truly legit cousins. Why don't you do that, anyway? You can't just believe anyone without gathering evidences. I mean, that's bull."

Harry's standing there on the doorframe with his arms crossed. He cocked his head to the side.

I sighed loudly. "Can't I call a lawyer? You guys are really ridiculous! I mean, you don't even know how to follow laws! How come you became guards of this place? You aren't worthy of your positions."

"Let Blair go," Leslie cried. She started to run towards me but was immediately stopped by a guard.

The door burst open. It revealed a frantic Violet Jenkins.

"Blair? What the hell happened?"

"Well, it seems like these people don't believe that Leslie is really my cousin, not my child. Like, duh? Me? A child? Seriously, they're into drugs. Especially that curly-haired monkey over there. He's into weeds, I can say. He told that lie to everyone. I mean, who's that stupid to believe? Even Leslie could do better than that," I said.

She looked perplexed. "I don't understand why you would do this," she told Harry. The latter smiled triumphantly.

"For insulting my friend, I suppose." His face became serious again. "Okay. Let her go," he told the guards. They immediately obeyed him. Like, what was that? They were just acting to embarrass me in front of a sea of people? Unbelievable.

"Wait. You mean, all of the drama was scripted?" I yelled. "You!" I pointed at Harry and slapped him really hard on the cheek. "You're a moron."

Leslie hugged me. We got out of that place with Vi still freaking out.

Later that night...

"That was really horrible, Blair," Mom said. She and Dad went home today when we were out.

"Blame that stupid monkey," I said. I'm really upset with Harry Styles. I mean, he's evil. More evil than me.

"What have you ever done to him? He's impossible!" Dad exclaimed. He suddenly stopped pacing. "Is he another ex of yours?"

"What? No!"

"I was just thinking that he did that because you broke up with him."

"That doesn't make any sense, Dad. He's never been my boyfriend. Remember, blondes?" I rolled my eyes. "And he did that because I insulted his friend."

"Blair, people are calling me asking who's the father of your child and if it was true!" Violet shouted.

"You have to attend a press conference to clear those rumors, Blair," said Dad.

"Of course I do," I sighed. "By the way, have you heard from Aunt Belinda?" She's Blair's Mom.

"No. Looks like Leslie's Dad's good in playing hide and seek," Dad said.

"Hell, he sure is," I said. "Or else, I wouldn't be damned with his bitch of a daughter."

Mom glared at me. "Language." She put a hand on her hip. "How were you and Leslie doing?"

"Great!" I said with fake enthusiasm.

Dad laughed. "Have you practiced your parental skills?"

"Whatever, Dad."

"They really complement each other, Sir," Violet laughed.

I threw her a pillow from our sofa. "Oh shut up."

My parents laughed. "If you enjoy Leslie's company, then she's free to stay," Mom offered.

"What the hell, Mom? No way! I just couldn't wait any longer for her Mom to show up."

She looked at me weirdly. "Don't you like her?"

"Who? Leslie? Oh, she's a spawn from hell Mom."

"And you're not?" Vi said. I gaped at her. She burst out laughing. "That was epic! You should've seen your face! You're like, completely shocked!"

"Of course I am. I'm your boss!"

"I was just kidding, B," she said.

I shrugged.

"It's getting late. I have to go," she said.

My parents and I nodded our assent.

"Blaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiir!" Leslie screamed from her room after Violet left.

"What?" I shouted in an irritated tone.

She appeared on the top of the staircase and started to come down. "I want ice cream!"

I looked at my parents. "She's always like that. Demanding," I told them.

They both laughed. "You go and buy ice cream for Her Majesty," Dad said.

I made a loud frustrated sigh. What can I do?


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