Scarlet Letter- Chapter 8

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"So why did Harry Styles do that? Why did he lie to everyone? What's his motive?" the reporter in front of me asked. I'm currently on a press conference to clear the rumors about me.

I paused before answering, "I think that question should be directed to Mr. Styles himself. I mean, how would I know his motive behind all these? You see, all I know is I was having fun during my date with him. Then the next, he's telling people untrue things about me." I smiled at them. "I was really disappointed 'cause he told everyone that Leslie's my daughter. Do I look like I had once been pregnant?"

"Of course not!" They said in chorus.

"That's what I think too. And I'm too young to be ready of the responsibilities of having a child. I don't even own a pet! It will probably die on its first day with me as its owner."

The people laughed. Violet frowned at me. Actually, I once had a pet that truly died on the day I purchased it. I named it Visha. It's a hamster. Oh, a guinea pig rather. Whatever. I really don't know the difference between the two.

"So, you mentioned you're dating Harry Styles?" a reporter asked.

"I wouldn't call it dating 'cause you probably won't humiliate your date in front of a mass of people."

"True, but you said you were having a date?"

"Hmm... Sure, it's a date. But it's a friendly one and it's not official 'cause my niece is with us that time," I said with a plastic smile.

"So you'd call it official if you had it with just the two of you?" she asked again.

I nodded. Another reporter raised his hand. Oh please stop. This is getting boring. The questions are redundant.

Vi probably saw my expression 'cause she leaned in on the mic and announced that the session is over.

"B, we still have to go to the pictorial for Candies," Violet reminded me.

"Oh geez. Okay okay. I thought I have nothing to do."

Vi laughed. "You wish. That's the price you pay."


"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" I shouted when I saw the familiar annoying cheeky guy sitting on a stool.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh. So she's the one you were warning me about?"

"Why are you here?" I demanded.

"I have a pictorial to do here."

"What?! You mean, I'll be working with you?"

"Just be glad. I'm the one who's unfortunate here, you see," he said.

"Okay. That's it. I quit. I don't want to be related to him in any way," I told the manager.

"But Ms. Etheridge, I'll kindly remind you that you signed a contract with our company. It includes there that you can't just leave your position as an endorser in the span of 12 months. If this was violated, we could easily file a case against you," she explained. The fact that she was right pissed me off.

"Fine! Let's do it so we could finish easily!" I stomped my feet as I make my way to the dressing room.

"Excuse me, where are the other boys? I mean, are we working with One Direction?" Violet asked the manager.

"No, only Mr. Styles would be here."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're really trying my patience, aren't you?"

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