Scarlet Letter- Chapter 23

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"So you're coming?" Vi asked.

"Of course," I replied. She told me that the girlfriends of One Direction were invited to be Ellen's guests for an episode.

"You're off in three days and you're gonna take One Direction's plane."

"You're not coming with me?"

"I can't. My whole family's back in the country and they want to spend some 'quality time' with me."

I laughed. "Well, I hope you enjoy your 'quality time' together."

She rolled her eyes at me. "I doubt it. They'll just nag me on getting married. I mean, all my siblings were married and they have tons of children. I know they'd be really devastated to know that I don't even have a boyfriend."

"Easy. Have a fake boyfriend."


"Where are your ever reliable connections?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm sure you have someone to pretend to be your boyfriend for as long as your family's here."

"Then I would be lying to my own family."

"So you'd rather be humiliated?" I asked.

"No. But I can't lie to them."

"Fine. You have other plans?"

We sat there in silence for a few seconds.

I'm thinking of a way to help my assistant-cum-bestfriend. I could easily ask my friends to date her but she wouldn't like that. Then I remembered someone.

"Vi! Do you remember Sean Albright from high school?"

Her eyes went wide. "No freaking way."

I grinned. "Oh yes. He's dying to date you ever since you met."

"But Blair! He's- Ugh. No no no."

I raised an eyebrow. "So you choose to be humiliated in front of your family. I get it."

"Blair, you know I can't stand Sean! He's such a geek."

"Maybe he changed." I laughed.

She put on a disgusted look. "Then maybe he has a family?"

"I doubt it."

"I hate you right now," she said.

"Aww. Someday, you're gonna thank me for this." I switched on my laptop. After a few minutes, I found what I was looking for.



"Bingo," I said loudly. "Sean Albright accepted your friend request."

Violet groaned. "You're really serious."

"Of course. Hey, Vi. Check this out. He's not a geek anymore." I clicked on his profile picture. I'm serious. He still wears glasses but the freckles were gone and he gained some weight. He changed his hairstyle. He has really improved.

Vi appeared behind me. "Whoa. That's Sean Albright?" she said disbelievingly.

"Unless you know any other Sean Albright who studied at Alexander Cross High School."

She gaped at the picture. "Whoa. He looks good."

"Relationship status: single." I turned to her and wiggled my eyebrows. "So?"

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