6~ My Sweet Adversary or Whatever!

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Manik's pov:
  " There you are!" A faint voice reverberated through the empty hall fell into darkness, I squeezed my eyes shut at my another futile attempt to make it to my room without waking her up.

" You know, you should just give up by now"

I turned around, moving towards her.

" And you should know that your son is now a full grown man who is capable of looking after himself and it is you with salt and peper for hair"

She only fake glared before walking to the dining area.

" Mom, I am incapable of stuffing anything right now."

I whined following her lead, only for her to pay absolutely zilch for attention to anything making me almost roll my eyes at that attitude.

I say almost because,
A) I love my life immensely and see myself living for at least 40 more years
B) It definitely would not be a pleasing site to see an actor homeless and wandering on the city streets.

" Momma seriously! How about a barter? Max I can have is a hot chocolate but only if you are willing to share"

Making myself comfortable on the granite kitchen slab that my mother put all her efforts in settling for, I raised my eyebrows at her to consider the said proposal. She stood as if assessing the pros and the cons making me sigh at the darma she could pull of at 1 am in the morning.

Safe to say, I got it from my MAMA....

"Deal. Help me?"

I smiled making her revert the brightest one.

" So, How was the party?....same old glitz and glamor?" She enquired while whisking the cocoa powder and cornflour. ( Don't be surprised at my culinary skills, I am an expert)

" It was different this time"

NANDINI. She was 'different' this time. Almost as a reflex my mind rummaged to that very memory from the evening as the face for the night. After our time on the balcony I failed to see her again, but never did she leave my lingering consciousness.

She was....fascinating

Head strong but will get flushed by mere words and just when you think she is all sunshine and flowers, she leaves you tinted red and anticipating for more. It was when I saw her, in that cafe I knew, this...whatever happens next was going to be so much fun, she clearly did not reckon what the previous night had passed between us....let me tell you, it is no child's play to be sitting across the table in a professional setting from the person who tried to seduce you the night before.

And it is worse when you know that you fell for it...

It was my mom's hard skeptic gaze and the tease I could sense coming was what derailed the chain of my thoughts away from her.

" Should I not push it? As savy of a mom that I am. I still am a Mother and would rather hold on to an innocent notion of my son" she smirked making me frown and roll my eyes at her remarks.

" It is far from where you are getting at, plus woman chill, I will vouch to keep those deets out ANYDAY if it is you in question "

Retorting, I went back to work on the best hot chocolate known to human kind by putting up them chocolate chips into the pan of milk & almost hoping for her to drop it, trust my mother to hav eyes that scan through your soul. If I didn't know better I would believe that she could sniff secrets.

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