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As the morning sun stretched its golden fingers through the parted curtains, the room gradually bathed in a warm, ethereal light. Sunbeams danced across the floor, casting playful patterns on the walls, while the gentle chirping of birds outside provided a soothing soundtrack to the bustling city awakening below.

Kim Taehyung, nestled comfortably on the plush cushions of his couch, found himself engaged in finding a way to entertain himself.

"Ugh, there's nothing worth watching," he grumbled to himself, frustration lacing his voice as he mindlessly flipped through channels. With a resigned sigh, he settled on the news channel, hoping for a flicker of interest amidst the endless stream of headlines.

"Today marks the anniversary of our esteemed hero, Shin Yunjin," the news anchor announced, her voice a reverent ode to a figure etched deeply into the collective memory of the nation.

Taehyung's ears perked at the mention of her name, his attention captured by the title that followed—Commander. Memories of her valor and sacrifice flooded his mind, evoking a potent mix of admiration and melancholy.


Lost in contemplation, Taehyung barely registered the passage of time until the anchor's voice faded into the background, replaced by the insistent chirping of his phone alarm. With a start, he snapped back to reality, mindful of the impending obligations of university life.


The corridors of academia buzzed with activity as Taehyung navigated his way to Mrs. Lee's office, each step heavy with the weight of procrastination.

The familiar knot of guilt tightened in his stomach as he approached the door, bracing himself for the inevitable reprimand awaiting him on the other side.

"You've missed the deadline again, Mr. Kim," Mrs. Lee's voice rang out as Taehyung entered, her tone a blend of disappointment and exasperation. Papers littered her desk, a testament to the countless students who had crossed her threshold seeking clemency.

Without preamble, she assigned Taehyung a new task, one that seemed incongruous with his chosen subject. "Mr.Kim you haven't submitted the project and this is the 3rd time I'm reminding you!"

"But why delve into history when my passion lies in the realm of business?" he mused silently, though he dared not voice his doubts aloud in the face of Mrs. Lee's unwavering gaze.

"As you might know that all of the students have already submitted and now I see no use in you submitting the same project. Therefore I'm assigning you a different one and you better submit it."

Taehyung looked up from his toes to meet Mrs. Lee's gaze directly on him, "Make a presentation on Shin Yujin's life". Hearing this made his eyes wide knowing there is no possible way to find some kind of documentary on the mentioned person.

"But where am I supposed to find something regarding her life!?" Putting her glasses on the table she sighed, "How can you be so sure there's absolutely nothing?"

Saying, She scribbled something on a paper and handed it to Taehyung making him utterly confused. "Here, This library might have the info you'll be looking for"


Nightfall draped the city. Alone on his balcony, Taehyung pondered the enigmatic task given upon him by Mrs. Lee, uncovering Commander Shin's elusive history tugging at the corners of his mind.

The night air was cool against his skin as Taehyung gazed out over the city skyline, the twinkling lights below casting a soft, mesmerizing glow.

Thoughts swirled in his mind and he made a decision—to visit the library Mrs. Lee mentioned.


Doubt clung to Taehyung like a shadow as he approached the library.

Yet, the reassuring smile of the worker who greeted him at the entrance dispelled his apprehension.

Giving the paper given by Mrs. Lee to the worker, Taehyung waited for his reaction. But soon his shoulder relaxed when the worker gave him a assuring smile, "We exactly have what you need, follow me"

Following the worker in the hallowed halls, only one thought came to his mind. It's such a grand library, but it seems nobody visits it

Taehyung's eyes followed the worker's arm that stretched to grab a very old book from one of the shelves. "Here, You can only read it here. It's not for sale"

Giving a nod to him Taehyung went to one of the disks and settled himself down. The book indeed was old and cranky. He turned the cover to find yellowing papers all stacked up and the first page read:

"Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, and always will."

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