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Hours passed in the confines of that room, each moment stretching into eternity as we conversed, the boundaries of time and space blurring in the wake of your revelations.

With each passing minute, I found myself drawn deeper into your life, each thread weaving a richer tapestry of understanding and connection between us.

You were 22 years old, a mere shadow of a life yet to be lived, who had no idea how he had come to be here.

Your tales of the future—of advanced technology and the wonders of a world yet unseen—captivated me.

As we spoke, a sudden knock at the door interrupted our conversation. I stood up to open the door.

To my astonishment, standing before me was Mrs. Lee, her familiar face etched with lines of worry and exhaustion.

Despite the situation, a surge of warmth washed over me at the sight of her.

But as I turned to introduce you, a cold knot of dread coiled in the pit of my stomach at the sight of your shocked expression.

Your eyes widened in recognition, your gaze fixed on Mrs. Lee as if she were a ghost from a distant past.

"She's our history teacher!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling with disbelief as you addressed Mrs. Lee directly. "Ma'am, how did you come here?"

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