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Ah, the twisted irony of love.

You used to define the power of love,how it can turn an angel into a devil, how it could shape-shift even the most virtuous souls into creatures of darkness.

And now, here I stand, a living testament to the truth of your words.

Once, I reveled in the beauty of roses, the enchantment of the night sky, the innocence of playful puppies. But now, they serve as bitter reminders of a love lost, a bond broken, a heart shattered into a million irreparable fragments.

Now I hate roses, their delicate petals now a cruel mockery of the love they once symbolized.

I hate the night sky, its twinkling stars a cruel reminder of the promises we made beneath its canopy.

I hate puppies, their playful antics a painful reminder of the innocence we lost along the way.

But amidst the wreckage of my shattered dreams, one truth remains immutable—I could never bring myself to hate you.

Despite the pain, despite the scars you left upon my heart, I know deep down that you had no choice.

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