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The hours stretched on, heavy with silence and uncertainty, as I grappled with the weight of my decision.

With each passing moment, the unknown fear gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, whispering sinister doubts into the recesses of my mind.

Summoning every ounce of courage I possessed, I approached the door to the room where I had locked you away, my heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and dread.

With trembling hands, I turned the handle and pushed open the door, bracing myself for whatever awaited me on the other side.

And there it was, my worst fears realized in an instant.

The room was empty, devoid of your presence, save for the lingering echo of your absence.

Panic clawed at my chest, choking off my breath as I surveyed the empty space, searching desperately for any sign of your whereabouts.

But you were gone, vanished into the ether without a trace, leaving behind only the hollow ache of your absence.

And in that moment, as the realization washed over me like a tidal wave, I knew that I was truly alone.

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