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A surge of euphoria swept over me as your lips met mine, a fiery kiss that ignited a whirlwind of emotions within me.

In that moment, I felt like I could conquer the world, like nothing could stand in the way of our love.

But even as I reveled in the sweetness of our embrace, a sinister thought slithered its way into the recesses of my mind.

A selfish impulse, born of desperation and fear, whispered seductively in my ear, urging me to seize control, to hold onto you at any cost.

And so, fueled by a dangerous feeling of passion and possessiveness, I broke away from the kiss, my heart pounding with a mixture of exhilaration and dread.

With a trembling voice, I uttered those fateful words, words that I wished I never should have.

"You said you love me, right? Then you're not going anywhere!"

The words hung in the air like a curse, a declaration of possession as devotion.

In that moment, I was consumed by a madness, a desperate need to keep you by my side, to hold onto you with a vice-like grip and never let go.

But deep down, I knew the truth.

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