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As the confusion cleared and the reality of the situation settled in, your expression softened.

"I'm sorry," you murmured, my voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to—"

But before you could finish your apology, I spoke, "Did you... want me to give them as an expression of my love for you?"

And in that moment, as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, I realized with a sudden clarity the depth of my feelings for you.

Yes, love.

It had blossomed within me like a flower in the desert. I had felt it within me when I saw you playing with puppies near the cantt, your laughter ringing out like music in the air.

And with each passing day, it had grown, flourishing like a garden in the springtime, filling every corner of my heart with its embrace.

But even as I basked in the warmth of my newfound realization, a shadow loomed on the horizon, you would leave me.

I knew your departure was a bitter pill to swallow. Even though I knew you were going to leave, I still continued to ignore the fact.

But eventually you left, leaving me alone like I always was. 

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