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Your words echo in the caverns of my mind, each syllable is like a reminder of the moments we've shared, the intimacy of our connection laid bare for all to see.

Your princely features,

Your adorable blush,

Your bubbly nature,

Each feature of you had become etched into the fabric of my consciousness.

And yet, amidst the warmth of my growing fondness for you, a shadow of doubt lingered in the recesses of my heart.

Do you like me? I wondered.

A girl whose rough edges belie the softness within, whose fiery spirit clashes with the expectations of society?

Will you ever see past the hardness that I present to the world?

As the days stretch into weeks, and our bond deepens with each passing moment.

I find myself grappling with the uncertainty that gnaws at the corners of my mind.

Is it possible? I dared to hope that you could feel the same way about me as I do about you.

But the question remains unanswered, a silent plea, waiting to be spoken aloud.

Will you ever like a girl like me?

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