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As I sit here, penning down the fragments of our shared past, I cannot shake the weight of regret that has haunted me for decades.

The memory of our final moments together, marred by tears and anguish, has cast a shadow over my soul, a constant reminder of the pain I caused you.

For years, I lived with the gnawing fear that perhaps we were never meant to be, that our love was nothing more than a fleeting illusion.

And as the years passed, the specter of doubt grew ever stronger, threatening to engulf me in its suffocating embrace.

Now, at the age of 62, writing this diary. I find myself reflecting on the choices I've made, the paths I've chosen, and the love I've lost along the way.

Did you ever think of me, Taehyung, as you ventured forth into the vast expanse of time and space?

Did you carry with you the memory of our brief encounter, or did it fade into obscurity like the fading embers of a dying fire?

I retired from the military a decade ago, my rank as a Commander a testament to the years of service I dedicated to my country. Do you know I survived World War 1?

I had hoped that this achievement would bring you some measure of happiness, a glimmer of pride in the legacy I sought to leave behind.

But now, as I prepare to close my eyes for the final time, I am left with only questions and regrets.

Will you remember me, Taehyung, as I fade into the annals of history? Will you carry the memory of the love we shared with you? Or will it be lost to the sands of time?

Despite everything the main question that arises in my my is — If you and me would have been in the same timeline, What would it have been like?

As I bid farewell to this world and all its fleeting memories, I can only hope that you will always hold a place for me in your heart.

For in the end, that is all I ever wanted—to be remembered, to be loved, and to be cherished, for eternity.

And so, dear Taehyung, as I lay down this pen and close the final chapter of our story, I leave you with this diary.

Always remember Tae,

"There was a Shin Yujin who loved Kim Taehyung from the future."

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