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Do you remember that evening?

The memory of that moment remains etched in the corridors of my mind, a testament to the fragile beauty of our shared moments together.

I remember the way your eyes lit up with excitement when you mentioned wanting to see the stars from the top of the hill as you heard from the soldiers that it was a great spot to hang out.

How could I resist such a heartfelt invitation, such a glimpse into the depths of your soul?

So we set off, our footsteps tracing a path through the trails of the hillside, the anticipation building with each passing moment.

Despite the exhaustion, your excitement never decreased, propelling us forward with a sense of purpose and determination.

And then, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the top, the world unfolding before us in a breathtaking panorama of stars and sky.

You laid down beside me, "I hope I could see this with you forever," you murmured, your voice a whisper in the stillness of the night.

In that moment, my heart soared, a symphony of emotions swelling within me as I gazed up at the infinite expanse of the heavens above.

"Me too," I whispered back, knowing it didn't reach your ears, my words a silent prayer echoing into the vastness of the universe.

I hoped you heard them, I hoped you felt the depth of my longing, the sincerity of my desire to hold onto this moment forever.

So that you wouldn't have left me.

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