Chapter 2

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"Thank you, I'll let her know." I heard a few feet away from me and I had thought at first that maybe I was dreaming because I was half awake as I heard it.

Though as I became conscious I could see the sun coming through my eye lids. I rubbed my eyes and I opened them to see Yami sliding the door that lead to the hallway shut. I saw he had a tray of food in his hand and he looked to me as he turned back into the cabin. He looked rather tired and groggy himself but he at least was up and on his feet.

"Hey, I was just about to wake you." He said softly as he walked away from the door.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily knowing I probably looked a sleepy mess.

"Maybe 9, I'm not sure. I just woke up when they came to the door." He said and I could see his hair was disheveled.

"What did they want?" I asked still half awake.

"They were taking lunch orders for later on today. I told them I'd make sure we'd have our orders in when they came back for the dishes from breakfast." He said holding up the tray of food that was already filling my nose with delightful smells.

"Geez, they really did give us a luxury cabin." I said pushing back the covers.

"They must've recognized you, I mean surely an apology was due, but this is really extra." He said setting the tray down on the small booth in the middle of the cabin next to the window.

"You think I'll be followed?" I asked him nervously as I sat on the edge of my bed. I realized how paranoid that probably came off but he didn't seem to react poorly.

"I don't know. Have you thought about changing your identity once you get to Hakuba? That way it's harder for anyone to find you?" He asked not looking at me.

"Changing names yeah, I guess my appearance too." I said looking to him as he sat down in the booth. "You might be right though. I already feel like I've been seen too much. Even if not for who I am, but I've drawn too much attention to myself."

"Then change your name, dye your hair, take on a new life or something. I mean isn't that what you're doing? Trying to disappear?" He asked and I dragged my feet as I shuffled over to sit across from him. No matter how tired I was, I was hungry.

"I mean, I guess so but it seems like it would be a lot harder than it sounds." I said with a tired laugh.

"It's really not, I had to help a coworker of mine a few years back. You're already traveling days away from where you're most known I'm assuming, change your look and name and it'll be like you've always existed as this new person. I might know a guy who can forage your identification cards and papers once we get into town and settled." He said and my interest was definitely peaked.

"You know someone who does that?" I asked a little shocked.

"I mean if you want help yes, if you're the police no." He said and I just shook my head knowing I was laughing.

"You must get into trouble often." I said because that's not something that most people could say. "Is Yami even your real name?"

"Yami is my real name, that is until I get in trouble. Then I've planned out that my name will be Kiro and I'll shave my head and move west." He said in a very unserious tone.

"Wow prepared." I said shaking my head and grabbing one of the fruit tarts on the try because it was looking at me waiting to be eaten.

"What can I say I'm always 3 steps ahead." He said going at a small pastry.

"Oh yeah? And what would you have done if I hadn't of had an extra ticket?" I asked him.

"You're not going to let that go are you?" He asked eyeing me with a smirk on his face.

Mountain of The Moons • Book 1Where stories live. Discover now