Chapter 26

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I didn't utter a word as we left the Spiritual chanbers. We walked right for our dormitory rooms which I hadn't actually slept in for a while. I had slept in the infirmary every night since that night because the idea of being alone still scared me. I hadn't stepped foot near the doors in almost a week, I had truly made my bed within an earshot of Jun and the nurses.

Students seemed to be walking all around by now since it was midday. I could see a large number of them all fixing the gardens and the surrounding areas. They were gardening by hand but I could see some of the plants and things they were working with were floating around as if on a wobbly string.

They looked at us as we past which is why I didn't speak. I was internally freaking out already and I knew if I had said anything that they would be able to hear it. I couldn't even imagine what they all were thinking about me just less what they could be saying. I kept my hands tightly behind me as I walked and tried to not let the looks and stares bother me. Though even without looking I knew they were there.

We walked inside and I felt the warmth instantly as the heat hit me like a brick wall. The snow had melted over the last few days, but it was still quite cold. I was still uncomfortable but right now the weather was the last thing on my mind. Jun walked towards our rooms and he looked back at me and saw my scowl.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as he started to reach out to open my door.

"Why would you do that?" I asked him harshly as we now stood there in the hallway.

"Do what?" He asked me in a flat tone though he didn't seem to understand.

"Agree to that." I asked angrily because he had to know what I was talking about.

"Because I wanted to, Minoru wanted me to." He stated looking at me like I was dumb for not knowing that.

"Jun, get in here." I snapped grabbing him by the elbow and pushing my door open. The room looked untouched as I pulled him in and shut it right behind him.

"What is going on?" He asked as he looked around as if he was caught off guard.

"You're leaving everything you've ever known here just to follow me and teach me." I said throwing my arms up in disbelief.

"I'm going to protect you." He said with a confused look.

"That's exactly the problem!" I said raising my voice knowing these walls were paper thin. I didn't want to make a scene out there but frankly with how upset I was they might just hear me anyways.

"I am wildly confused Makio." He said shaking his head because clearly he was missing the point.

"Jun you cannot just be okay with leaving your home to follow me just to protect me." I said shaking my head. "That's preposterous."

"Do you not want me to go?" He asked leaning against the dresser behind me and crossing his arms.

"No, it's not that Jun." I said shaking my head.

"Then what's the controversy?" He asked looking all too relaxed for this conversation right now. I was levels above where he was and he clearly was blind to that because I wanted to scream.

"You're sacrificing your wants, to come with me." I pointed out loudly.

"You don't know what I want Makio." He said and I took it kind of harshly.

"I've given you enough trouble, don't pretend otherwise." I said crossing my own arms.

"I want few things Makio. I want to become a Master and save my people. It's that simple. Firstly, if I stay back then I have to restart all my tutoring goals and I'll tell you most students won't be pushed to learn as fast as you have. Despite your setbacks with your powers, you've picked up on a lot more than any of us thought you would have in such little of a time frame.

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