Chapter 27

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"Sit still for just a moment dear, I should be able to get our results fairly quickly." Nurse Gia said looking to me with a soft smile.

I had grown used to these extractions though I had to admit it was a little easier to sit still when Jun had done them. I was a lot more willing to sit and be poked and prodded if I knew Jun was doing it. He however had meetings and things to do after dinner so he had disappeared.

Gia did a fine job, but it was just hard to relax the same way with her. I was thankful to see the infirmary was empty compared to a week ago when the place had several inhabitants. Though even as I had my blood drawn my focus was on the partition in the corner of the room. It still stood as if to hide something.

Occasionally a nurse would duck in or out of it, but it didn't tell me a thing. Eden should still be back there potentially but whenever someone went in they'd leave with the same items they entered with and not a word was spoken. If she had been released surely I would have heard about it from Jun but he hadn't even given any updates either.

Gia pulled the needle from my arm and I held back the wince I wanted to let out. I exhaled in relief and she began to mess with the blood she had taken. She poured it into various solutions and I just watched her. She looked very kept today with her hair pulled back into a neat bun and even a little blush on her cheeks.

Up until recently I was used to seeing her disheveled and tired. She often had her hair tied back in a messy knot at her neck and her face was often pale and worn out looking. She wasn't an older women by any means, she was maybe in her late thirties and was good looking at that. It was just clear that whatever she was responsible for had been wearing on her. Her under eye bags were once dark and almost hallow like. It was nice to see her eyes look a little lighter today, like she had slept well.

"Nurse Gia?" I asked taking her attention away from what she was doing.

"Yes dear?" She responded looking away from her vial and towards me who was sat on the edge of the infirmary bed with my knees tucked in as if to block myself from anyone coming up to me.

"How's Eden?" I asked and I could see she was taken back by my bluntness.

"Ehm." She said clearly having been put on the spot.

"Eden is slowly recovering." I heard from behind me. Uba was walking in behind me and she wore her normal soft look, but her eyes were looking to me very intently as if she had caught me doing something I shouldn't have. Surely it was a forward question, but it was only a question I'm sure a lot of people had. "Go about your duties, Gia."

I watched as Uba walked around my bedside and sat across from me on the opposite bed. She always carried herself so neatly, but even I could see she was uncomfortable. She placed her hands on her lap and took a deep breath. Nurse Gia gathered her things and walked off leaving us in silence for a short moment as Uba gathered her thoughts with caution.

"I take it Jun told you about Eden." She said watching me carefully, they hadn't told anyone a name of who was still alive but Jun had told me the next day. I hesitated because once again the last thing I wanted to do was get Jun in trouble. "You're eyes tell it all dear, you must learn to hide your emotions."

"It's not the first time I've been told that." I said bashfully because I was bad at hiding how I felt.

"It won't be the last." She said nodding her head. "Eden has woken normally in the last day or so and she's very distraught. She's having a hard time remembering it all, but she confirmed Yami was the one who ambushed them that night. She had more to say but she can't talk for very long."

"I guess that's what we all expected." I said lowering my head.

"She recognized Yami but she said his behavior was unlike she had ever seen him. He was a spunky fellow in all of his classes, but she can only describe his behavior as psychotic and dark. He was frantic and she spoke heavily of his eyes." She said sounding very disturbed. "Does this sound familiar, to you?"

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