Chapter 28

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The dummy stand I had been pelting for the last hour hit the floor again for nearly the dozenth time. I was out of breath as I was practicing my hits and was on the near brink of exhaustion. I had no reason to be up this late, but I couldn't sleep so I at least wanted to be productive because clearly my time was uncertain.

I didn't like sleeping alone despite my efforts and fatigue. I tried but I was too uneasy and had too much going on in my mind to try and sleep. I slipped out and it was much easier than it would have been only a week or two ago. No one was really posted around the halls at night anymore. There was the normal patrols on the walls and towers but no inside patrols to tell me to go to my room. I was able to slip out to the Dojo since the guards focus was to the outside of the temple.

The lights were already on as they were most hours of the day. I was thankful to find it empty because I didn't have an ounce of reasoning why I was out of my room other than I wasn't able to sleep. I just wanted to get out my energy and thoughts by doing something other than staring at the ceiling or drowning in my own misery.

With us due to leave early the next morning I figured some extra practice with combat wasn't a bad idea. These people at the Ebisu Temple seemed to have a stronger advantage in hand to hand combat. While I was towards the top of my class here, I didn't know if that would translate over.

I was fairly good for my size and I worried I'd fall short there. It was my strongest subject according to Jun so I worried it would be my weak point once I switched schools. I already felt worthless enough I didn't need getting shown up on my first day of lessons to make that any worse. Who knows if anyone there would even give me a chance much less after I inevitably make a fool of myself.

I felt a weird feeling on the back of my neck. I felt as if the hairs stood up and I instantly tightened up. I grubbed the staff that was in my hands extra tight and took a breath. I snapped around ready to fight and I had to stop myself in a panic. I gasped and dropped my staff as it was nearly inches from Daigo's face.

"I am so sorry! I had no idea it was you thought you were someone else." I shouted out as I stumbled backwards covering my mouth.

"No need." He said and I saw a soft smile on his face. "I'm actually quite impressed. It's not often someone is able to detect me, your intuition is stronger I've heard, since the Wisteria has been flushed out of your system."

"I hadn't noticed a difference... I am so sorry I wouldn't have swung if I had known it was you I'm just... I don't know." I said falling off my speech.

"On edge?" He suggested.

"Yeah, kind of." I said with a nervous laugh.

"You are safe dear, to a degree I can see what is to come and you are safe. It's not often I'll be able to say that so try to find some peace in that." He said and I could hear a slight infection is his voice that matched his soft smile.

"You can see that?" I asked him.

"I see what the Deities allow me to. I ask for guidance and prophecy and they pick and chose what is needed. They wanted you to know you're safe." He said with a nod. "You will know when that tide has changed."

"I guess that's comforting." I said feeling very unsure.

"I hope it is. I take it you being out this late beating this punching bag to a pulp as a sign of concern." He pointed out and I looked to the very worn looking sack that hung from the ceiling.

"I'm fine I just couldn't sleep. I couldn't sit still." I said which was true enough. With me being able to block out others intruding my thoughts he wouldn't be able to tell if I was being honest or not.

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