Chapter 22

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"Keep your forearm turned in." Jun said as he pressed his elbow into my back.

I rotated my arm and I felt the pressure from his hold lessen slightly, but I still didn't know what to move next. I slipped my leg through and tried to slip it from underneath him but he only immediately used that leverage to twist me fully down to the ground. I however pulled him by the fabric from his robe and pulled him down as well because his left knee wasn't firmly planted.

His back hit the floor and I dug my elbow and forearm into his chest. I used my shins to pin him down but I knew with his size against mine this wouldn't actually have him pinned down fully. He could easily shrug me off if he so chose to but in this moment he looked more shocked than anything.

"I didn't teach you that." He said looking up at me.

"And?" I asked.

"How did you know how to do that?" He asked me a little out of breath.

"I don't know felt right." I said shrugging.

"You can't just try new moves." He complained.

"Why not?" I asked shaking my head. "I won didn't I?"

"Yeah but I didn't teach you that." He said frustratedly.

"Stop being a sore loser, you beat me all the time let me have this victory." I said placing both hands on his chest and hopping up to my feet. I stepped over him and extended my hand to him which he took.

"She did get you on that one." Minoru said with a chuckle and we both snapped our heads to look towards his voice because we had been in the Dojo alone while the other Elites patrolled the Temple. They had put away the sleeping mats so we had space to practice during the day since most everyone was on assignments.

"Master Minoru, I didn't hear you." Jun said and we both bowed our heads.

"Seems like your teachings might be working against you. It's been a moment since I saw someone get the best of you." He said as he walked over to the wall of equipment. He placed a wrap around his hands as if to prepare for a fight. "Last one I remember was Haru."

"She used an illegal move." He said looking down at me.

"An enemy always fights fair?" Minoru asked looking towards him.

"Well no- but..." He said drifting off.

"Come on, to the center of the mat." Minoru said walking past me and towards Jun. "Let's test how your skills have held up. Makio watch from the side, take notes."

I stepped back and saw Jun was frustrated, but he had just lost to his student. Though it wasn't exactly fair Minoru had a point. In the real world I highly doubt people like the Oni Syndicate care about rules and standards. I walked down from the mat and sat down on a bench.

I watched as Jun and Minoru got into a fighting stance and I took a second to catch my breath. Jun and I had been going for about an hour without a break so this was very needed. I saw something flash out of the corner of my eye and I saw someone sit down at my side. I looked to see not only Yami, but about a dozen of my classmates coming into the Dojo.

Chunami stood behind them and crossed her arms as she watched Jun and Minoru go for the first move. She didn't seem as upset as she had been the other night, but she didn't exactly seem as lively as herself though it wasn't expected.

"Training even when the Temples on lock down?" He asked me clearly seeing I still had equipment on.

"Always." I said with a laugh because I was happy to see him.

Mountain of The Moons • Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang