Chapter 6

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Once I washed my hair and body I brushed through my hair with a comb to get out any knots and other bits of vegetation that could have been left. I felt much better and cleaner than I had before. I put back on my clothes and headed back to my room anxiously to make sure Yami hadn't left. I hadn't passed anyone in the halls like we had earlier, but I could see several lamps on as I passed other rooms. Everyone had likely turned in for the evening at this hour.

I was so curious who these people were, I mean I would assume students, but there seemed to be a lot of people here. At least that was the impression I got by how many occupied rooms there was. This place was pretty mysterious to the general public, so I guess I just hadn't imagined it would be so populous. I know how Yami and I ended up here, but I was just curious to know how so many others found their way up here.

I walked through the halls which still felt so foreign to me. I saw my room and the light Yami had turned on glowing through the semi sheer Shoji. I pushed it open and saw Yami still present and I relaxed a little bit. Though he wasn't just sitting around like he had been earlier. Yami was laid out on my bed knocked out and fast asleep. He had taken off his shoes and was laying on his back on the small mat as his limbs were sprawled out.

I knew he had been tired, and I felt it too. Whatever they had used to knock us out hardly left me feeling well at all. I had a slight migraine from the second I came to hours ago. I had been tired since I had woken up in that chair. I looked back out into the halls in both directions. I didn't exactly know the rules, but I didn't imagine sharing rooms this late at night was allowed.

I walked inside and quietly slid the door closed not wanting anyone to walk by and see. I latched the door shut and turned back to the room. I slipped off my shoes and placed them quietly by the door near where Yami's had been. The window had already been covered by Yami earlier so the lamp was the only light left in the room. I walked over quietly as I didn't want to wake him.

I could have just woken him up but at a second thought if he was here I could at least make sure he didn't leave before the ceremony. We had slept together the night before back at that small inn so it didn't feel too odd. I turned the dial and let the light dim as I let the flame go out and the room went nearly pitch black. I turned and lowered down to my knees and had gotten down onto the sleeping mat. I laid down and rested my head on the small pillow on my side of the mat.

It was definitely a mat made for 1 person, but there was just enough room for the both of us. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes with ease. Sleep washed over me, but the feeling of the seemingly quick peck I had felt on my forehead was pestering me. I felt like a giddy child still thinking about it.

I wasn't one for social interactions, but that's not just something you do to someone. It was an affectionate gesture and I know I had been passionate about him staying, but even a hug still felt weird. Though it wasn't like I didn't enjoy it, I had enjoyed it, which in itself was flustering me enough. I tried to not think so much about it and let my exhaustion pull me into a deep sleep.

I woke gently because the room was still very dark as I started to come out of my sleep. As I opened my tired eyes everything looked a little blurry at first. Though as things started to become sharper I could see a warm sun spot across the room. I rubbed my eyes and looked up and saw the warm sun had been poking through the blinds just a little bit above my head.

I rubbed my eyes again and shifted around still half awake. I lifted my head and looked around the room and everything looked as it had when I had gone to bed last night. I even saw Yami's shoes next to mine by the door. I turned my head to look over at Yami because he should have been next to me.

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