Chapter 24

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I felt a hand grabbing at me but I swatted them away as hard as I could fight back. I was grabbed again and I looked up to see Jun looking down at me. My vision was blurry but I could see clear enough it was him. I looked down and saw a knife missing from his abdomen, but in its place was his blood soiled clothes.

"Come on." He said and he pulled me up to my feet. I felt dizzy but my consciousness was coming back to me. My main pain was from my throat which still felt tight as if his hands were still there.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out looking to Jun wanting to sob right there.

I looked down and saw Yami laying flat on the floor. His face was completely blank, his evil expression from earlier now mute. He was unconscious from what I could tell but Jun didn't let me stand there long enough to find out. He pulled me towards the stairs but they had been blown through.

"Go on, I'll help you down." He said and I could see him struggling to believe.

"No you're already in pain. I can get down by myself." I said and I got to the edge and sat down letting my feet hang. I shifted my weight down and jumped down feeling a sting in my knees.

"Go get the Masters, I'll make sure he doesn't try to move." He said and I shook my head.

"No, he's unconscious! You can't stay up there alone you can't fight in your condition." I said loudly. "Come I'll help you."

He looked down at me and I could see he wanted to argue but he didn't. He lowered himself down to a seated position. I offered my hands up and he jumped down and I tried my hardest to soften his landing, but I was weak and he was much bigger than me. I heard his groan and he doubled over and even my pain was audible.

"Come one Jun, you're bleeding out we need to get you help." I said helping hold him up.

"Go on, I'll be right behind you." He said in a weak voice.

"No I'm not leaving you." I said with a sharp tone.

"I can't protect you." He said shaking his head.

"You already did. I'm the one that did this to you." I said frustratedly knowing I was the one who did this too him. Not even because of the Wisteria, because of my own choice. My own pitiful mistake.

I pulled him along and we rushed down the stairs. I kept my hand firmly placed down against his warm and wet abdomen. He was bleeding and I knew he wouldn't be conscious if he passed out. I was panting as we ran down the halls and just as we got to the entrance of the Dojo the Masters had almost run right into us.

"Where are the Elites? They're supposed to be here." Jun asked loudly clearly writhing in pain.

"They were moved to help control the fire when it happened-What happened here?" Chunami asked as she rushed up to us.

"Yami is upstairs! I'll explain later but Jun's been stabbed." I shouted because they were completely oblivious to him bleeding out

"What is he doing up there?" Chunami asked.

"He's unconscious, you need to get him before he tries to hurt anyone else." I shouted knowing it was disrespectful but they needed to do something.

"Yami did this?" Chunami asked confused.

"Yes! Go!" I said screaming at her and I knew I shouldn't have, but they needed to move fast.

"Minoru and Chunami go upstairs." Uba called out and they were off in seconds. "We need to lay him down."

I walked slightly back into the Dojo and helped Jun get into his back. He was breathing heavily and I could hear his pain. My hand instantly went to his abdomen right where the blood was pouring out. I gave him what energy I had left and kept my mind focused on him. I was worried about a million other things, but he was going to die if we didn't do something.

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