Chapter 4

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I walked next to Yami as we made our way through town. We had slept in til near lunch time because of how tired we had been, but the sun hardly showed the time anyways. The skies were cloudy, but it at least wasn't raining anymore. With how much it rained I expected the city to be flooded, but it was in the north where everything was practically in the mountains. Most the rainfall drained just leaving the ground damp.

The air was definitely a humid cold which stuck to my skin, but I was considerably warmer because I was anxious. Yami and I were both fairly quiet as we walked because I think we both were deep in thought. We were both about to walk into something neither of us really knew a whole lot about. We made it to the edge of town and I could see the large trail that lead up the top of the mountains.

It was a dirt path for a long while and the tree coverage was so thick we hadn't even seen the temple above yet. Even from the city below the temple could not be seen so I was worried if we were even going in the right direction. Though before I was going to speak up and mention it, I saw the dirt path turn to a set of stone stairs.

"I think we're close." Yami said as we made it to the steps.

"I would hope so I feel like we've been hiking for an hour." I said knowing my feet hurt. Physically I was not the strongest because I hardly had to lift a finger my whole life.

"We can stop and rest." He suggested at my side.

"No, not this close." I said shaking my head. I didn't care if my muscles felt like lava, I wanted to make it to this temple to find out what this place was.

"What do you think it's going to be like?" He asked and I sensed a little fear in his tone.

"I feel like it should be asking you." I said laughing as I was a little out of breath.

"I don't know a lot, but I heard the training is pretty intense" He said shaking his head. "It's hard to know what it's like after because they usually stay hidden given that they're you know like trained assassins I guess, at least I think. I would think they all live and train here."

"You know the more I know about it the less appealing it all sounds." I said with a shaky laugh.

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts." He said looking a little shocked.

"Not quite, I'm just a little uneasy." I said shaking my head.

"Everything I've heard is just rumors, I've heard that once you've graduated you live like royalty and it only gets better as you complete missions and work your way up the ranks." He said trying to comfort me.

"I guess that's comforting." I said not sounding so confident.

"We've got each other. We'll be okay." He said nudging me with his elbow. "My feet after this hike though, I'm not so sure about."

"I'm sure it can't be too much farther." I said taking each step as it came.

"I hope so, I didn't sleep as soundly as you did. That storm had me up for hours. I don't even think you rolled over once." He said laughing softly.

"I like my sleep, what can I say?" I said laughing.

"Oh I can tell, I practically had to drag you out of bed this morning." He said looking down at me as we took each step together.

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