Chapter 7

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"Are you ready my dear?" I heard from the doorway.

I was sat at my desk eating the last few bites of the meal she had brought me. Her husband was a hell of a chef because this was comparable to the chef we had at my house growing up. She was stood at the entrance of my room also dressed in the same clothes though her outfit was accompanied by a long jacket that nearly touched the floor.

"Yes." I said standing up and I saw Yami step to her side. He was silent as his eyes were glued to the floor.

"We best get moving then." She said and I could see her smile but it almost looked nervous herself.

I wanted to question her, but I knew we were not at much of a liberty to question their rituals. We were new here and had little to no knowledge of what was necessary to speak to these higher beings they spoke of. I knew people had their gods all over the place but for whatever reason this scared me. She walked down the halls and Yami and I followed behind. He was completely silent and it was clear he was freaking out inside of his own head. He refused to even look at me as we walked.

I wanted to comfort him, but we were within earshot of Uba and there wasn't much I could say anyways. Our fate was out of our hands, literally, and even though I knew my intentions were good who knows what else these gods and Meishu would see. I had no idea how this could go for either of us and think that's what scared me the most.

We followed her out of the long dormitory building and back outside. I could see 3 large buildings in the main courtyard and in between all of them was a large garden. I couldn't see much into it now, but I had remembered seeing students there yesterday. It was dark now, but it still looked beautiful as there was a slight glow coming from the center of it seemingly around the Wisteria tree.

The tree held a soft pink glow that almost grew and shrunk like a slow pulse. I had never seen a tree or anything in nature do that naturally so it took my by surprise and left me confused. She took us past where we had gone last night and towards the far temple.

The temple we had visited last night seemed to be uninhabited, but it was clear which temple we were going to. I could see lights creating an almost halo of warm light as we neared closer and I could here a sort of unsettling music. It was pretty music, but something just felt off. As she led us up the stairs I saw Yami start to look around at everything and I couldn't help but do so as well.

Their were thousands of candles inside and they were all lit up. I saw Chunami and Minoru stood on the far end of the large room. It definitely was some sort of spiritual building because the artwork was all very religious looking and there were a lot of god like imagery as I looked around. I knew next to nothing about the beliefs here, but I'm sure it would make sense eventually.

Chunami and Minoru were stood around a white figure with stark white hair. I had white hair before, but this was even whiter than that. The figure had long hair as it was sat on its knees facing away from us. He didn't turn to look at us and I felt odd just walking up behind him.

Uba walked forward as Yami and I seemingly were scared to move. The other watched her as she went towards the man and she assumed her position next to Minoru. They all looked to us and I felt scared.

"Come children stand in front of me." I heard in my head and my hands instantly flew to my ears. I saw Yami jump at my side meaning he had heard this voice too despite it not speaking aloud. "My voice can only be spoken through your consciousness, my apologies."

I looked to Yami and walked around to stand in front of the man because upsetting him was the last thing I wanted. As we came up to the others I could see what Uba had been talking about. The white haired figure, who was clearly Daigo, had stark white eyes. He was sat looking straight forward and his eyes seemingly had no pupils as he sat there unmoving. His face had several scars that covered his skin leaving it slightly pink in long lines. As we came around to stand next to the others his head slowly turned towards us.

Mountain of The Moons • Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن