Chapter 13

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"Focus your mind Makio." I heard Jun say and I took a deep breath. "You're distracted today."

"I'm trying." I said in a frustrated tone.

"Try harder, you need to keep your mind closed. Don't let distractions cause you to slip up." He said harshly.

"I'm trying Jun." I said with a huff.

"What if the spy tries to manipulate you when you're distracted?" He asked and I just stood up and backed away. His hand left my head and I saw him looking up to me in confusion. "We're not finished."

"I need a break." I said emotionless as I turned away from him.

"What's going on with you today?" He asked me getting to his own feet and he immediately started to walk towards me.

"Nothing, I didn't sleep well." I said shaking my head

"I don't believe that." He said crossing his arms and tilting his head.

"Jun please, can we just take 5." I said getting frustrated now.

"What's going on?" He asked again.

"Nothing." I said knowing I had given him an attitude by this point.

"Makio, if there's something going on you need to tell me." He said in a gentle tone and I looked over my shoulder at him. "I don't wanna pry but I'm supposed to be concerned with your well being incase you forgot."

"Yami got called up to see Daigo today and never came back. Surely they don't think he did this." I said frustratedly.

"They were interrogating dozens of people today." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"It's Yami, I'm with him most of the time and I mean he came here with me. Surely he's just as clueless about all of this as I am." I said shrugging my shoulders and looking to Jun who was stood stiffly.

"Could be." He said looking out the window.

"Jun, what do you know?" I asked looking up to him.

"I told you what I know. I don't know what came of their meeting, but I know he was brought in along with about three dozen others." He said shaking his head but he was actively avoiding eye contact.

"I didn't see anyone else get called up." I said placing my hands on my hips.

"They have to work from the top of their list to the bottom." He replied but he still wouldn't look at me.

"What list?" I asked harshly.

"We're getting off topic." He stated turning back towards the desk.

"I can't focus when I'm worried." I said raising my voice and I knew I was pushing my luck by doing so. "What list?"

Jun make eye contact and let out a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked frustratedly as he looked around my room. I wouldn't have thought much of it but we had been sat in for the last hour or two. Normally we'd be in a classroom, but since we were just working in mental training we had just worked from my desk.

"They have a list of people they're suspicious of but it's hardly based on any evidence, just gut feelings really." He said in a hushed voice as if he wasn't supposed to be saying anything.

"Where's Yami on that list?" I asked knowing I was only pushing it.

"Up there." He mumbled.

"Jun." I said coldly.

"It's just because he's so new and he was the one who showed up with you. None of this stuff started to happen until you both showed up. No one but you and I are proven innocent so of course he's going to be on their radar." He said and I could see he was annoyed but I knew I at least was getting info from him.

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