Chapter 9

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I ran through the dormitory halls and I had been through here enough to remember where my room was. I shoved my door open and I instantly went for my bag. I grabbed it and the contents I had laid out on the dresser. I knew tears were streaming down my face as I gasped for air. I wasn't sad or upset I was just scared and needed to get out of here.

I whimpered as I frantically grabbed my items and swung my bag over my shoulder. I felt my clothes cling to my body because I was soaked from the rain I had just run through. I pushed my hair back from sticking to my face and I turned to leave.

I wanted to start running but as I flipped around and saw Yami standing in the doorway looking at me very confused. He work a pair of dark red robes and his hair was partially pulled back. His face went from my face to my clothes to the bag in my hands.

"Kumiko?" He asked and his tone was quiet. He had gone back to using my real name.

"Yami I-"

"You're leaving?" He asked before I could say anything.

Silence filled the room between us. The only noise for a long while was the rain poring down on the roof and my heavy breathing. I gripped my bag on my shoulder and I knew it was shaking harder than I could control. His eyes trailed over me and I just stood there hardly knowing how to breath much less speak.

"Kumiko don't just stand there and look at me." He said finally stepping into the room and his face looked at me with confusion. "What are you doing?"

"I have to leave." I said in a shaky voice and he was now just a few feet in front of me.

"You've been gone for the last three days after you nearly were possessed during your ceremony. Then I wasn't able to see you in the Infirmary and now I hear a commotion down the hall and I come to find you soaking wet and packed to leave." He said looking down at me. "What is going on?"

"It's too much to explain, but I have to leave- I know the other night I-I made you stay, but I just can't do this. I'm not made for this- I'm sorry-"

"Kumiko you're talking a mile a minute." He said stepping closer and I felt his hands on my arms. "Slow down for me, okay?"

"I don't belong here." I said as my voiced cracked.

"Why do you think that?" He asked looking back behind him for just a moment.

"Yami I just don't. This is too much." I said and I felt more tears streaming down my face.

I instantly lowered my head into my hands and I felt his arms pull me in. I let out a sob that got stifled by my hands and his chest. His hand rubbed along my back and my breathing only got worse. My knees gave out and his arms held me up weakly. I felt like a loser as he slowly lowered us down to the floor.

I sat there on my knees just doubled over almost crying in pain. He didn't speak for a long moment he just let me cry. I jumped as I heard footsteps and I turned to see Jun standing in front of my room in the hallway.

"I'm not going to stop you Kumiko, I just ask that you tell Daigo before you leave." He said looking slightly out of breath.

"Can we have a minute?" Yami asked in a quiet tone.

"I'll wait out here." Jun said after eyeing Yami.

Jun came off a little emotionless and cold, but he definitely gave Yami a look that didn't look kind. Jun closed the door to my room and I took a shaky breath. I turned to look at Yami and his hand came to my cheek and I saw a small smile on his face.

"I feel like you enjoy getting drenched at this point." He said and I choked as I let out a small laugh. He pushed a strand of wet hair out of my face and behind my ear.

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