Chapter 11

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"Hey, Makio!" I heard from behind me as I walked back to the dorms after lessons.

I turned to see Yami running out from the gardens and towards me. Normally we left class together but our classes were split up in half once a month. We would take classes with the advanced students and they would almost give us a little tutoring session. It would give the Masters a chance to handle any business they had away from temple while the older students took over.

It was typically a fun day from the two times we've done this so far but it was very similar to my personal training with Jun. The first time Yami and I had been on the same schedule, but today we were separated. I started in the Dojo, then to the classrooms, then I finished in the Spirit Temple. He had the exact schedule where I wouldn't have seen him all day.

He however, looked happy at least to see me as he ran up. His hair was partially pulled back as he ran through the court yard. It was a nice day out and surprisingly warm after the cold and wet season we had been having. I had heard from Chunami that this was the last warm front before the Winters cold front would come in.

"You headed to the dorms?" He asked a little out of breath.

"Just for a second yeah, I have tutoring and I forgot my books in there." I said looking over at him.

"You have tutoring again?" He asked and I could sense the annoyance in his eyes.

"Everyday." I said with a small laugh. I had a singular day off a few days ago but I had been hard at work ever since.

"Geez, I don't see why they still make you do that." He scoffed.

"I asked for more Yami." I said knowing it would be a whole lot more complicated to explain why they actually wanted me to train.

"You're crazy for doing that." He said shaking his head. "Especially with Jun, I couldn't take a second of him more than I already had today."

"He's not that bad." I said rolling my eyes because Jun was a little cold at times, but not as bad as Yami made him out to bed.

"Right, he's full of of himself." He said shaking his head.

"And you're not?" I asked looking up at him.

"Okay, that's just mean." He said as he hooked his arm around my neck and tousled my hair.

I gave him a push and we both laughed as we walk through the courtyard. We both walked towards the dorms laughing softly. I could see a bunch of other students walking towards the dorms to call it a night.

"Come on, let's ditch Jun and head down to the city. It's Sunday so that bakery we like is open." He said because we were allowed to leave on the weekends though I typically stayed put on the
Masters orders. Though I had slipped out once with him and some others before.

"I have to study Yami, go with Niko and bring me something back." I said knowing I couldn't just leave. "I don't like being out anyways. I still worry about being seen."

"Makio come on, I'll protect you. It'll be a quick trip." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. I blushed knowing there was definitely people around us.

"Incase you forget I don't need someone to protect me." I said leaning towards him.

"Maybe so but I'd still like to." He said leaning back.

"Charming me isn't going to work." I said looking away.

"I mean it worked on you in the first place." He teased.

"Yes and I question how everyday." I said and I heard a scoff from him just as he pulled my arm.

He pulled me right into the gardens and I nearly stumbled forward. He slipped just behind a hedge and it wasn't seconds later did I feel his lips on my own. I was taken back by the gesture, but didn't hesitate to kiss back as we were hidden.

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