Chapter 17

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"There's another thing." I said as the room grew quiet with tension.

"Yes?" Chunami asked as she was anticipating what I was about to say.

"They we're talking about the killings. Whoever it was killed both Lily and the student at the Jizo Temple. It was the same person." I stated.

"How did you know about the Jizo Temple?" Minoru asked and I felt my stomach sink.

"Uh." I said instinctively.

"I told her. I know it was against my code of ethics, but she should know." Uba said sounding upset with herself.

"Uba, we have a code of ethics for a reason." Chunami spat.

"I understand." She said and I could see Jun look down. He was the one who told me initially so he was disappointed in himself though Uba also told me.

"We're missing the point entirely." I said trying to take the heat off of her.

"Go on." Chunami said in a low tone clearly unamused.

"Whoever is killing these students surely is also who's controlling me. He's someone my father said has been loyal to out family for years, his whole family was loyal. I don't know if that narrows it down, but it might be something to help us." I said shaking my head. "They said there was evidence left at the Jizo Temple because he was careless with it. They didn't say what, but there should be something."

"There was bit of fabric from a red robe, which is definitively from this Temple. It doesn't tell us much just that maybe the Elite students are likely to be trusted." Minoru said and I saw Jun sit up. "Perhaps the other victim had ripped it in defense and he hadn't noticed, none of the victims clothing was ripped."

"Luna said nothing had been left behind." Jun stated looking confused.

"She initially thought so. She later found it at the crime scene. I wasn't sure if it really narrowed down anything in the moment. Even right now with how little we know it could mean nothing. We've suspected newer students more than Elites since the beginning so I guess that just backs up that claim." Minoru said looking like maybe it was a good thing. It wasn't an answer but it was a step closer to one.

"I had no idea." Jun said emptily.

"It didn't matter until now." Minoru said with a shrug. "Bottom line we need to watch these students with extra care. We are expecting something to happen tonight, the killer gave us a due date and it's coming up."

"Is that's why almost all Elites are scheduled to be on duty tonight?" Jun asked.

"Yes, Daigo has even been placed in the lower chambers under the temple. We fear he is what the killer might eventually be after." Minoru explained.

"I mean isn't Daigo protected by the gods? Shouldn't he be sort of invincible?" I asked feeling stupid for even asking in the first place but I was under the assumption that they were the most powerful of us all, surely whoever this spy was couldn't just kill him.

"If only it worked that way. Daigo is very vulnerable even under our best protection. Until we can lock in on who is doing this Daigo and you are our biggest worries." Uba said speaking up after she had sat silent for a several moments. I could see she was very bothered.

"I'm getting stronger." I said softly.

"But it's not enough, you haven't been given enough time. Even our Elites are not perfectly trained. There will always be something else to improve and learn otherwise it only leaves your enemies at an advantage." Chunami said harshly.

"With Wisteria potentially in your system and a potential mental block because of it, you're in a vulnerable state even if you were excelling in classes." Uba said.

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