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-Why are you sitting here?-asked Sunghoon putting down his book.
-As you noticed the room is full. There's no other place.-answered Jake as he put his airpods back.
Sunghoon nodded and went back to reading. He wanted to concentrate on the book... but he couldn't. Jake's presence was annoying and as much as he didn't wanna admit it, he was curious about the other's scar.

They sat in silence for 15 minutes but Sunghoon had to spoke up, he was too curious.
-It's okay if you don't wanna answer...-broke Sunghoon the silence and Jake looked up from his phone.-Is your hand okay? I saw it today when I handed your books. What happened?
Jake chuckled while looking away.
'Is he fucking serious? I'm sure he knows why...'
'Why is he curious? It's none of his business anyways....'

-Because of bullying.-Jake said as he looked down at his hands examining it. He really didn't wanna talk about it especially with Sunghoon but it was weird that someone was curious about him.
-But I'm sure you know that, I don't know why you act like you don't.
Sunghoon stayed silent. He was feeling awful. 'Was that still going on? And it's this bad?'
He knew Jake and the bullies didn't like each other, but he thought that was because of that one time. That time Sunghoon was there. And Sunghoon knew Jake could take care of himself. He saw how Jake stood up for himself in front of the whole school.
-I'm sorry.-said Sunghoon feeling guilty. Maybe it was his fault.
-You don't have any right to say that okay?-said Jake angrily and he wanted to go away but Sunghoon held his hand.
-I know. But I still am. You don't deserve any of that.-he said looking into Jake's eyes trying to make him see that he really feels guilty. He wasn't fond of Jake or anything really... but he was a jerk at that time. He should've helped him.
-I know I don't. -sighed Jake as he broke the eye contact. It was getting weird. Then an awkward silence grew between them.

-I'm gonna give you my number.-said Sunghoon louder than he intented to which made the teacher angry.
-Park Sunghoon, shut up.-she whisper-shouted which Sunghoon just laughed at.
-Yeah yeah okay Mrs. So give me your number.
Jake was trying to hold back his laughter beacause of that conversation but he was definitely suprised.
-No way. Why would you need that?-he asked pushing the chair further away from Sunghoon.
But Sunghoon pulled him back by the chair, closer than he wanted to. He was stunned by the closeness of Jake and for a second he couldn't breath. Jake was just looking at Sunghoon up close, examining his face and how handsome he is when Sunghoon cleared his throat.
-Because I want to help you. The next time something happens call me. But don't use my number for anything else. Okay?-he said seriously and Jake heart skipped a beat even though he didn't want it to. All of this was so sudden.
'Damn why is he so nice? Is this how he wants to apologise for the past?'
-Okay.-he sighed and Jake gave his phone to him. Sunghoon couldn't help but notice the cute wallpaper, it was Jake with a dog sitting on grass. It was adorable.
-There you go.-said Sunghoon as he gave the phone back.-Don't misunderstand it. I'm not trying to befriend you or anything. I haven't forgotten what you said to me. I'm just trying to be nice and make up for a mistake.
-I know. -said Jake annoyed. This Sunghoon kid is so full of himself and such an idiot...

-Jake Sim, Park Sunghoon. Come to the director's office immediately. -it was announced and they looked at each other.
-That's not good.-sighed Sunghoon and they packed up their things and walked to the office in silence.
They were both nervous, rather Jake since he transferred not long ago and if his parents find out... they'll kill him.

-Have a seat.-said the director and the boys slowly sat down. They have never been in this room so they looked around afraid to look at the person in front of them.

-I'll get straight to the point. Both of you have been to the detention massive amount of times and it can't go on.
-What are you saying?-asked Jake as he went closer.-It's not my fault-
-Stop it. You won't get kicked out. Neither of you.
Sunghoon looked at Jake who looked like he could pass out any minute.
-You'll be sent to a camp, where troubled kids redeem themselves and it was founded only for this reason.
-What camp? -asked Sunghoon with a digusted face.
-You'll get the information about tonight and you'll have to leave tomorrow morning. Goodbye. Hope you'll come back as better kids.-sighed the director and practically pushed the two student out.

-What? -asked Jake. Sunghoon stopped and looked at him.-What the hell am I gonna tell my parents?
-You can just tell them it's a class thing.-went Sunghoon closer to Jake. He saw how afraid he was, but didn't get why.
-O-kay.-he took a deep breath and looked at Sunghoon. -At least we'll go together, I won't be totally alone.
Sunghoon lifted his eyebrows.
-I mean... you said you'll help me. I'll definitely call you when I need help. But when we're there... you go as far away as you can. You'll just annoy me.
-Yeah for sure. I don't wanna be next to you either.-sighed Sunghoon. Then they walked out of the school while thinking about the camp.
-I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.-said Jake awkwardly. He didn't know how to say goodbye after all this.
-See you.-said Sunghoon looking around feeling weird and he went to his car.

Blessed-Cursed • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now