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-Guys, this is urgent.-shouted Heeseung as he stormed into the cabin with Niki.

Sunghoon was sleeping, but he got scared cause of the shouting as sat up quickly.

-Where's the others? and where's Jake?-asked Heeseung, definitely more excited than before.
-Jake's upstairs, I don't know about the others.-yawned Sunghoon.

'Damn... I really hope Jake's not mad at me.'

-Okay, then I'll go up and get Jake.-said Niki while Heeseung sat down next to Sunghoon.
-Is everything okay with you and Jake?-he whispered and Sunghoon looked surprised.
-What do you mean?-he asked taken aback.-Why wouldn't it be?
-It's obvious something's going on. Feel free to talk about it if you want to.-smiled Heeseung and Sunghoon just smiled back awkwardly.
-Sure yeah, but really nothing's going on.-he answered and suddenly Jake and Niki appeared saving Sunghoon from this conversation.

Jungwon, Jay and Sunoo ran back holding something in their hands.
-It's Yeonjun's name tag.
-What?-asked Sunghoon and Jake at the same time. They looked awkwardly at each other and then looked away.

Heeseung just looked at them smiling but an important thing was happening so he focused on that again.

-We found Yeonjun's name tag in the boat. It was him who hurt you.-exclaimed Jay being overexcited.
-It's not the best evidence, he could've just left it there.-said Jake and Sunoo nodded.
-Right but I saw Yeonjun's arm that he hid so well.-said Sunoo sarcastically.-It's not a coincidence.
-Okay, then for now let's say it was Yeonjun...-said Jungwon.-Why would he have done that?

-Before that. We found something.-said Niki getting something out of his pocket.-It's a video, but we need to watch it, on my laptop.

Everyone stood or sat around Niki and started watching the video.
It was dark and it showed the people standing on a boat.
-Zoom in Niki.-said Jay.
-It's Yeonjun and... -said Jungwon as he got closer to the laptop.-Hyunsuk??
-Hyunsuk? What do you mean?-asked Jake.-They said he went home because he felt sick or something.
-Let's just watch it.-whispered Heeseung while not taking his eyes off of the video.

They were clearly arguing and suddenly Yeonjun pushed Hyunsuk into the water and the bent down and started pushing his head under the water.
Everyone was shocked.
-He's killing him.-stated Niki with fear in his eyes.
-And now... he killed him.-sighed Heeseung.
Niki shut the laptop down and put it away.

-I think this is what you heard and saw Sunghoon.-said Jay looking at Sunghoon.

Sunghoon was still looking at nothing seemed to be shocked and traumatized.
-Hey.-Jake said as he slowly got closer to Sunghoon. He held his hand.-A-are you okay?

Jake felt bad. He couldn't have imagined how Sunghoon must feel right now. Kinda witnessing a murder. He wanted to help him and be there for him.

-I-I don't know.-said Sunghoon as he finally looked at Jake with tears in his eyes.
Jake heart broke seeing that.

-What if I could've prevented it somehow? It's crazy, that I saw it... but at the time didn't know what really happened. -he said while wiping his tears.

-Why would Yeonjun do that?-asked Sunoo.-Why would he kill his co-worker, friend I don't know?
-I think it's time we ask them a few questions.-said Jay seriously.

-But how? We just corner them and threaten them?-asked Jungwon laughing.-We're just kids.
-That does seem a bit too much.-sighed Sunoo.
-We can call them here about Sunghoon and then we'll just ask it.-said Niki while going to the fridge.
-Could you get me some water for Sunghoon?-asked Jake while still holding his hands.
Sunghoon was too out of it to notice that.

-Okay let's try that.-said Jay.-But what if they get agressive? They'll just kill us?
-Yeah, sure we should let them.-said Jake sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
-We need a better plan maybe.-said Heeseung as he took a deep breath.-And I got one. It's a crazy one...

-So, we ready?-asked Jungwon and everyone nodded. Yeonjun and Juyeon could arrive any minute now, the game is already over.

Jake was sitting next to Sunghoon checking his head.
-I'm okay, you don't have to do this.-sighed Sunghoon being half asleep.
-What? Taking care of you?-asked Jake. He took a deep breath.
'I can't believe he's saying this.'
Jake got angry. He wanted to leave Sunghoon and wait for Yeonjun and Juyeon somewhere else... but he just couldn't get up and leave. It was impossible for him.

There was a knock on the door.
Everyone nodded at Jungwon who opened the door.
-What's wrong with Sunghoon? Is he okay?-asked Yeonjun running in with Juyeon by his side.
Sunghoon seemed okay so they looked at them weirdly.
-There's nothing wrong with him.-said Juyeon looking around, but all of them just stared at the two.

Yeonjun smirked as he sat on the sofa.
-You guys figured it out, didn't you? And you want to know some things.
Yeonjun's presence was strong and it made everyone shiver. It was like he switched in just a second. Juyeon sat next to him, but he looked rather scared.

Jake gulped. Maybe this was a bad idea.

-Yes, we do.-said Jay as he stood in front of Yeonjun.-And we need some answers right now.

'How could he not be scared?' thought Jake being scared for that idiot Jay.

-But what if we don't want to answer?-asked Juyeon trying to act the same as Yeonjun, but everyone knew he was weak compared to the other.
-We'll make you answer then.-said Heeseung as he stood next to Jay.

-How?-laughed Yeonjun like he was looking at little kids who threatened him for candy or something.

-Well for starters we stole all of your guns we could found in your cabin.-said Heeseung and everyone showed theirs.-And they are all loaded with bullets.
-That's funny. You are all innocent little kids how could you be able to shoot someone?-asked Juyeon as he looked at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun looked impressed. Like he was actually proud of them.
-And how did you find it?-asked Yeonjun.-It was in a safe. And even the safe was in a secret place.

-That's not for you to know...-answered Jay and then he pointed his gun at Yeonjun who only looked bored.

-And by the way...-said Niki as he slowly walked next to Heeseung and Jay.-How could we be innocent? We are here at this camp for a reason, aren't we? We all did bad things...

Okay, doing bad things doesn't mean your a bad person, but it certainly meant they weren't innocent.
Jake was sure the six of them wasn't capable of killing someone. But now looking at the scene in front of him, he was even afraid of the others. How much did he really knew about them?

He then looked down at Sunghoon, sleeping peacefully like he was knocked out. The pills were really doing their job. He wanted to protect him at all cost, from anyone.

Blessed-Cursed • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now