I knew it

490 31 23

-Jake, Jake?

He saw Sunghoon as soon as he opened his eyes.
His head hurt and he felt so weak. He sat up and everyone was there looking at him. They were in the living room.

-What happened?-he asked trying comprehend everything.
-Well they almost took you.-said Jay as he sat on the sofa.-I saved you. You were in the woods alone, and I just saw you in time and helped you. I probably scared the leaders away.
-But... I wasn't alone.-he whispered the last part. Jake was sure he was with Jungwon.

-It's okay Jake. You hurt your head, you probably don't remember a lot of things but it will get better.-said Jungwon as he sat next to Jake and patted him on the back.

Then Sunghoon came back with a bunch of food and water.
-Come on, I'll take you to your bed okay?-smiled Sunghoon as Jake hopped on his back.-I'll take care of you okay?

Jake just hmmed he didn't have the energy to answer.

As Sunghoon put him on his bed he put the food and water next to him.
He was about to leave but Jake held his hand.
-Wait, don't go. -he whispered signaling Sunghoon to come closer.
-What is it?-he asked curiously.
-Jungwon was with me, I'm 100% sure. I remember his standing next to me. He's lying.-as Jake said that Sunghoon's heart was beating so fast.

-I knew you guys left together but I thought you guys got seperated somehow. If he was with you, why did he lie?-asked Sunghoon caressing Jake's hand.

-I don't know. Yet. But once I get better I'll figure it out.-said Jake and Sunghoon nodded.

-I'll help you. But know just eat and then sleep, okay?-said Sunghoon smiling but Jake didn't let his hand go.

-Stay with me, please?-he asked with those puppy eyes so Sunghoon just layed down next to him.

He put his arms over Jake and hugged him.

-Everything will be okay.-whispered Sunghoon and Jake nodded.

"Once I figure out what Jungwon's doing... then yes it'll be okay."

Jake fell asleep but Sunghoon couldn't. He kept thinking about what Jake said about Jungwon. Now he realizes that Jungwon has always acted weird, and he tried to make it make sense. He mentally made a list about everything.

When Jake woke up he was alone. He stumbled down stairs and found Sunghoon and Jungwon talking by the table. Everyone else was gone.

-Where's everyone?-asked Jake just laying down again on the sofa.
-They went to help the others. At least
try to.-answered Jungwon.
-I'm sorry I left you I just needed to do something.-said Sunghoon smiling.
-It's okay.-said Jake as he closed his eyes.
"He's trying to get something out of him that's for sure."

After a while everyone arrived with a paper in their hand.
-New game.-sighed Jay and he put it on the table.

As everyone was about to read the instructions, a phone started ringing in one of the rooms. Which is weird since none of their was working here.

Jungwon quickly ran to his room and stopped the sound.
-I think we can somehow use our phone again.-he said trying to save himself. He obviously has a phone the can work here.

Jaks just looked at Sunghoon. That's more than suspicious.

-One of the last game are night tasks. It's gonna start at 1am and we're meeting up at the main building.-said Heeseung after reading the paper.
-I really just want to sleep.-whined Niki as he layed down on the sofa.
-About the students they captured or something. We couldn't find them at all. They weren't in the leader's basement which Heeseung and Sunghoon found. We just don't know where to look anymore.-said Sunoo and he layed out the camp's map.

-We checked everything here.

-I think a lots of places are not on here. They're not gonna put a house or a building where they torture kids on a map.-said Sunghoon and everyone nodded. -We should continue the search until and after the game.

-Jungwon?-asked Jake and Jungwon looked at him surprised.-Any thoughts to add?

-No, no, I think this is alright.-said Jungwon a bit taken aback. But Jake's now onto him, he'll have to watch out.

Blessed-Cursed • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now