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The last game already started and the boys were just waiting.

-Now what? -sighed Niki.
-I-I don't know. I'm sure as hell not gonna hurt anyone.-said Jay looking at the door.
-Me neither but I'm not gonna let them kill us.-said Jake and he looked at Sunghoon.

-I may have a plan.-said Sunoo after a little while.
-Then tell us come on.-said Heeseung looking a bit more energetic. They had a few plans while staying here in the camp, they're gonna figure something out.

Then Sunoo started moving in his chair violently scaring everyone.
-What the hell are you doing?-asked Sunghoon with wide eyes.
-Can't you do it quietly? They gonna come here if they hear it.-said Jay whispering.
-Just a second.-said Sunoo struggling then after a bigger jump he fell backwards, breaking the chair and his hands were finally free.

-You're a genius. Now help us.-smiled Heeseung and Sunoo helped everyone.

They tried to go back the way the came in throught that hole but they sealed everyone entrance.

-There was always one stupid little door. I'm sure we can find one.-said Jake looking at the wall closely.

-I think we should just go for it. We don't have time to think of a plan. -sighed Heeseung. -They could walk in any second.
-Okay but there's six of us and I'm sure there's more of them.-said Niki.-Are we that strong?
-Seven if we count Jungwon.-whispered Jay.
-We are desperate and I'm sure the adrenaline will kick in soon enough. -said Sunoo.- Can anyone drive?

-Do I look like I'm at the age of getting a driver's license?-asked Niki with a sassy look.
-I can.-said Jay and everyone looked at him surprised.-I mean I don't have a license but I sometimes drive around with my dad as a practice.
-That's good enough.-said Sunoo.

-But why do you need someone to drive?-asked Sunghoon confused. Jake just smiled at his expression.
-Because someone need to drive the bus with the students on it.

Then Juyeon and the others appeared in that second in the room.
-Hold them down.-shouted Juyeon. And the others who looked somehow twice as big as them started running towards them.

Everyone tried their best to take on the person who tried to tie them again, but with no use.
Until Jungwon suddenly came in, and with his knowledge of taekwondo he started to beat to the others down helping his friends.

-Jungwon, what the hell are you doing?-shouted Juyeon angrily but not going near Jungwon because he was afraid of him also.-You realize that you getting answers just slipped away?

-My brothers dead. You killed him. But I can still help my friends.-said Jungwon between kicks.

-Stupid kid.-whispered Juyeon angrily.

Sunghoon was free thanks to Jungwon.
-Get the key to the bus.-shouted Heeseung who just got kicked in the stomach.
So Sunghoon went after Juyeon.

As he walked into the living room there were hunders of keys on a wall.
-Are you freaking kidding me? -he asked angrily trying to figure out which is a bus key.

-Good try.-he heard from behind him then he felt a sharp pain in his back. It was Juyeon with a knife.
-Fucking Juyeon, why is it always me?-he said as fell down on the floor.

-Look Sunghoon, I'm sorry that you're hurt again.-said Juyeon teasing him as he squatted in front of him. -It's just you're always in the way, and you're doing things you shouldn't be doing.

He said as he started to examine Sunghoon's face and he got closer and closer and Sunghoon saw the opportunity as he grabbed the knife from Juyeon's hand and stabbed it in his shoulder.

-Guess karma's a bitch.-Juyeon laughed as he fell backwards. -But maybe you'll bleed out before me.

-But my survival instict is strong.-said Sunghoon as he tried getting up but with no luck. His back was hurting so much, he just fell back.

By that time, Jungwon helped everyone so they come after Sunghoon.
First they saw Juyeon with a knife in him and then Sunghoon laying on the floor with lots of blood next to him.

-S-Sunghoon? Sunghoon.-panicked Jake as he ran up to him trying to see where's the wound.
-You fucking bastard, I swear I'll kill you.-said Jake getting up and pulling the knife out of Juyeon's shoulder and putting it on his throat.

-Jake, stop it.-said Heeseung and everyone tried to stop Jake from killing Juyeon.
-Tell us where's the key or we'll let Jake kill you.-said Sunoo as they all stood in front of Juyeon.

-It's the one in the 3rd row, the second one.-he sighed as Jake let him go and he fell back.

-Sunghoon, wake up.-shouted Jake.-We need to get out of here and treat you.
-Guys, he is not waking up. -panicked Jake and he stood up trying to slow down his breathing.-First of all let's put something on his to stop the bleeding.

-Niki give me a piece of your shirt.-said Jake to the youngest, and Niki ripped a piece out of his shirt.

-I can carry him on my back.-said Heeseung and they tried to put Sunghoon after stopping the bleeding, on his back.

-Okay we got the key, we got Sunghoon. Now we need to get the students.-said Heeseung as he was running towards the bus with an unconscious Sunghoon.

-Jake go with them.-said Jay. -We'll get the others. Let's go!

Blessed-Cursed • JakehoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя