Everyone is dumb

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As soon as the game finished (suprisingly everyone in their cabin finished as the first one) and they went back to the main building, Jake grabbed Sunghoon's hand and they ran far away from the others.

-Are we making out?-smirked Sunghoon as they arrived at the back of some building.
-Idiot. No.-smiled Jake and he grabbed the picture from his pocket.-Jungwon dropped this.

He gave the picture to Sunghoon who examined it closer.
-He looks like Jungwon. Maybe his brother?-asked Sunghoon, and Jake nodded.
-Yeah, I thought the same thing. We need to know more about him and maybe try to find the newspaper it was cut out from. I really hope it's here.-sighed Jake and he put it back into his pocket.-And we need to get this back to him before he finds out it's missing.

Then he quickly kissed Sunghoon who opened his eyes widely because of the surprise.
-Maybe not making out but still it's something.-smirked Jake and then they went back to the others.

-Where were you?-asked Sunoo as Jake and Sunghoon went back to the dorm.
-I just had something to say to Jake.-said Sunghoon and he sat down on the sofa.
-Anyways, we were first place again. Good job guys.-smiled Heeseung.
There were food on the table and everyone was talking and having fun (well as much as the circumstances let them).

Jungwon was sitting on the chair and Jake had to put it back into his pocket.
He pretended he's picking up something behind Jungwon but the pocket was zipped so Jake couldn't put it in.

He stood up and gave a sad face to Sunghoon.

He had another idea.
-Hey Jungwon, can I borrow your toothpaste?
-Sure.-answered Jungwon unsurely, so Jake went into his room and put the picture in his bag.
But took the toothpaste so it wouldn't be too suspicious. He was sure Jungwon knew him and Sunghoon were up to something.

Then everyone went sleeping since it was so late.
Sunghoon hugged Jake from behind and that seem to be their nightly routine nowadays.
They had a good sleep (which they seem to be having since they sleep together.)

-Guys, we're going home tomorrow, at least I hope so, and we still have lots of things to do. -said Jay shouting in front of the rooms. -We still don't know what happened to the students who lost hide and seek, we need to save everyone somehow including ourselves.

-And we need to know more about Jungwon.-whispered Jake to Sunghoon still half asleep.
-Does he ever shut up?-asked Sunghoon staring at the ceiling.
-Probably not. Why do you think he's here in this camp?-laughed Jake and they got up and started getting ready.

-I had an idea.-said Heeseung as they all sat down in the living room.
-Why does he always has ideas?-asked Jake from Sunghoon who just laughed.
-Because he's smart unlike us.

-You know the woman in the store. Who was mean and didn't give us any answers? -said Heeseung and everyone nodded. They went to the store every day because they needed snacks and water.

-I think we should get her somehow to help us, we don't really have another choice. The students don't know what's happening, the camp leaders are the ones doing this and we can't call for help.
-Well, someone can.-whispered Jake to Sunghoon eyeing Jungwon.
-So our only option right now is that woman. -said Heeseung and Jay nodded.

-I'm good at getting someone to speak.-said Jay.
-Yeah we know. The amount of words that comes out of your mouth a day should be studied. You never shut up.-said Niki lying on the sofa.
-Anyways.-said Jay looking a bit hurt.-I'll go, does anyone wanna go with me?
-I'll go.-said Jungwon and he stood next to Jay.

-I'll wanna go to.-said Jake and Jungwon looked at him angrily and confused. Jake was with him all the time and he had enough.

-I think two is enough. -said Jungwon a bit agressively.
-But three is better if there's danger.-countered Jake as they got closer to each other and everyone was trying to find out what's happening.
-But I only wanna go with Jay.-said Jungwon and everyone looked at him surprised, and Jake froze like a statue.

-S-sure, then go.-said Jake and he sat back next to Sunghoon.
What could he have said to that? No, I wanna go with Jay? No, I wanna go with you? Nothing.

-Then I have other tasks for you guys.-said Heeseung after he cleared his throat.

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