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Other 3 guys arrived after a few minutes, they all introduced themselves and started unpacking.
-Everyone seems nice here.-said Jake to himself but Sunghoon noticed.
'Why does it matter to him that much? Fuck... maybe he's afraid of getting bullied again?' as Sunghoon thought of that, he felt guilty again....
-Sunghoon you okay?-asked Sunoo, as he saw how sad Sunghoon looked.
-Yeah sure.-he smiled lightly then he sat down.
They decided to pick a roommate through rock paper scissors. The winner gets to pick the first room, he walks in it and settles in without the others knowing so it's gonna be a suprise.
Jake lost, so he's gonna be the last one to pick. He prayed to not be in the same room as Sunghoon. That would be hell.

-Who do you want to be in the same room with?-asked Niki with broken Korean as he sat closer to Jake. Niki reminded Jake of a child. Technically, he was a child but still. He found him cute. Maybe he's the kindest of all people here.
-Honestly, anyone's fine. Except Sunghoon.-said Jake and Niki nodded.
-Why?-he asked.-He seemed like a nice and funny person to me.
-You guys no each other? Had some kind of fight?-asked Jay suddenly as he sat between them. The couch wasn't that big so he almost pushed Jake off.

'He's a little bit annoying.' thought Jake but he tried to be nice.
-We go to the same school. And it's complicated. Sorry.-he said and the other two looked at him with confused look.
-Okay....-said Jay and he looked away.

It was Jake's turn. He wanted to be alone but there was Jungwon, Sunoo and Heeseung in the single bed rooms.... he went upstairs. There were two rooms with Sunghoon, Jay and Niki inside. He hoped Niki was alone...
He opened the door and there was Sunghoon alone, laying down on the bed.
-Such a nice surprise.-smiled Sunghoon but inside he hated this whole thing...
-We should only sleep here. We shouldn't spend unnecessary time here with each other.-stated Jake as he put his luggage down in front of his bed.

The room was rather small, there were only two single bed next to each other with two wardrobes and a small bathroom.
-I'm going to the bathroom.-said Sunghoon as he threw his towel over his shoulder.
Jake just nodded and he started to unpack.
-I wish I was at home. This is the worst.-sighed Jake then he sat down for a second and fished out his phone.
But there was no signal.
-For real?-asked Jake angrily shaking his phone. -How am I gonna text my mother? She'll get worried.
He went over to Sunghoon's phone and see if he has signal.
At that moment Sunghoon stepped out of the bathroom, with only a towel around his waist, looking at Jake with a suspicious look.

-I just wanted to see if you have signal. Sorry.-said Jake as he looked at the ground and went back to his bed. He didn't dare to look at Sunghoon...
-It's okay.-sighed Sunghoon and bent down to pick out some clothes.
Jake stole a few glaces at him. He was mesmerized he couldn't help it. Sunghoon was fit, and how the water ran down on his body from his wer hair... it was like a greek god's body.

-Could you look somewhere else? Cause I'm a bit uncomfortable with you staring at me like that.-said Sunghoon standing in front of Jake who just gulped and looked at his phone.
-I wasn't looking at you. I was watching something on my phone.
-With no signal?-he said grabbing Jake's phone which Jake tried to grab but failed...
-Give it to me.-he now stood up and reached for the phone.
-You're funny.-smirked Sunghoon then gave it back to him. -But don't stare at me like that, it creeped me out.
Then he went back into the bathroom.
-Fucking idiot.-sighed Jake then be heard a knock.

-Dinner will be in 15 minutes, get ready guys.-shouted Jay.
-Alright.-said Jake laying down on his bed.
It's only the first day and he's already had enough of Sunghoon, of the others, of the camp... everything. He just wanted to disappear.

The 7 of them walked to the diner. They had no idea where it was but they got a map each of them, so they can get around.
-Damn this camp is huge.-exclaimed Sunoo with a happy smile.
-Yeah, it's gonna be so much fun.-said Niki with the same tone clingling onto Sunoo. They got close in just one day... how? Jake didn't understand.
-We are here because we are being punished, don't forget that.-sighed Heeseung as he was looking at the map.

Jake agreed. This was not a usual, fun summer camp. They're supposed to be "good" here. He had a very bad feeling, and the creepy woods and houses didn't help.
He felt Sunghoon next to him. He didn't wanna talk to him so he just rolled his eyes.
-Are you okay?-asked Sunghoon but Jake just looked at him confused. He just shook his head.
-Why are you asking that?
-Being here with your bullies. It must be hard.-said Sunghoon with a worried look but Jake had enough.
He stopped and waited til the others walked further away.
-Stop it. Stop acting like you care about me. I get that you're guilty and try to make up for it... but just leave me alone. I don't need your pity or your help. -said Jake getting closer to Sunghoon.
Sunghoon was just stood there in shock. He didn't expect Jake to be this agressive.
He cleared his throat.
-Okay, I'm sorry, I was selfish, I'll leave you alone.-sighed Sunghoon and Jake nodded.
Jake then continued walking leaving Sunghoon behind.

'I genually wanted to help you Jake. It wasn't just for me. It must've been really bad for you... I'm so sorry.' thought Sunghoon. They were next to the lake so he sat down. He didn't wanna go to dinner after that. He just sat there looking around the creepy camp which was kind of mesmorizing at night. The clear sky, the sounds of animals, the sound of waves because of the wind. He felt at peace.
He figured he'll just stay here until the others finish dinner. He closed his eyes and just relaxed.
Until he heard a shout. It wasn't near him, but it was so loud, it scared the crap out of him. He stood up and looked around. There was a boat deep in the lake. He couldn't see it well because of the fog and the darkness but he saw movement on it.
There were two moving thing that he assumed were two people. They seemed like they were arguing, and one of them fell into the lake, that's why they shouted.
-Hey, is everything okay?-he tried to ask it as loud as he could, but his voice just got lost in the wind.
He just got up and decided to find one of the camp leaders. He went into the diner and there was Juyeon, the guy who spoke hours ago.

As he walked inside everyone looked at him, including his 6 roommate.
-I'm sorry for interrupting.-he whispered as he got next to Juyeon.-But I was at the lake, and I heard some shouting, and I saw two people on a boat. One of them fell into the water. Will you help them?
-Yes of course.-said Juyeon immediately standing up and he followed Sunghoon.
The other 6 got up as well.

They arrived by the lake and Juyeon got into one of the boats and started rowing.
-Why would he go there alone? -asked Jungwon worriedly. -He should've asked someone.
-I'm sure he has his reasons.-said Jake looking at the boat.
-This is really scary.-said Sunoo hugging himself.-What if something happened to them? And why would they go in the lake in the middle of the night?
-I don't know...-answered Sunghoon. But this whole thing was weird. This never would've happened in a normal camp.-I'll go back I'm tired.

He started walking alone but he saw how Jay followed him.
-Here's the program list. And by the way we talked at the table and we decided to never go alone anywhere. It's a rule, okay? -asked Jay standing in front of Sunghoon who just looked at him and nodded. He was too tired to answer.
He grabbed the paper and put it in his jacket.

Blessed-Cursed • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now