Chapter 2

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Riker's POV

We were packing up when we heard dad yelling telling us we are having a family meeting. We nodded and walked to the tour bus and sat down at a table as dad spoke, "So guys the reason why I have called this family meeting is because I received a call from Hollywood records and they wanted to let me know that you guys will be having someone to open up for you guys and she will be here tomorrow."

Everyone got really excited because we knew that if this person who was meant to open up the show was good enough, the fans would already become crazy. As soon as dad finished speaking, Ross asked, "Dad did they say who it was?"

Dad nodded and just replied "Yes they said her name is Vicky Hudson."

"Wow. this is cool. I can't wait to see what kind of music she sings."

"But in the mean time we all need to get some rest because you all have a early sound check in the morning." We all nodded in agreement and went back to our hotel to get a good sleep before tomorrow.

Vicky's POV
The next morning, I got up quickly and got dressed as quickly as I could because I knew I was running late. I had to get to Hollywood cafe to meet this band that I was meant to open up the show for.

My manager had told me that the band is R5. I thought that I should stop by Target and get a copy of their CD to see what kind music they sing so I pulled up into the parking lot of the store and went in to the music section. A few minutes later, I had found the CD I was looking for and went back to my car to listen to maybe one or two of their songs.

Riker's POV
We unpacked the instruments out of the car as Ross asked me "Riker did u grab the bass out of the van?" I nodded and replied as I finished helping dad unpack the rest of the instruments. "I put it over by Rydel."

When we were finished unpacking, I went and grabbed it before walking back to my station as I saw a blonde tall girl walking towards us. I quickly called everyone over, "Hey guys look over there. I wonder if that is the girl who is opening up for us."

She flashed us a smile as she reached us and held out her hand and introduced herself, "Hi everyone. You guys must be the band R5. I'm Vicky Hudson I will be opening up for you guys."

I shook her hand and smiled back as I was almost beginning to get lost in her hazel eyes, "It is very nice to meet u Vicky. I'm Riker and this is my family and band. Rydel,Rocky, Ross, Ryland and this is my best friend Ellington, but we call him Ratliff. This is my mom and dad Stormie and Mark- wait...haven't I met you before? I swear I have." She shrugged then nodded with the smile still on her face. I suddenly remembered that I met her before as I finished introducing everyone who was already gathered behind me.

"It is very nice to meet you all. I got your CD today and was listening to it on the way here. You guys have some great music." I flashed her a smile without even realising that my cheeks turned a light shade of pink and quickly asked her to start the conversation, "Thank you Vicky. So what kind of music do you sing?"
"I sing a mixture. I'll be singing one for my sound check if you want to stay and hear it." We all nodded in agreement and Rydel spoke, "Thanks, we will."

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