Chapter 17

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Hello My Reader's
I know it has been  while since I have update this story! I have been thinking for ways to improve I story about Riker and Vicky ! I hope all my readers are doing well . Now on with Chapter 17 , I am putting Riker and Vicky being married a year . I hope you all enjoy .~~Nikki

Chapter 17
Honey do you know where my keys are am going to be late for work . Vicky your keys are by the door honey . Thanks Riker I will see you when I get home . Love you ❤️

Hi Riker its been awhile how u been ? I have been great Grant how have u been dude and when is the big wedding day? And how is the tv series going for ya ?
Well Riker we haven't set a date yet . And The Flash is going really well and I still can't believe we got another season . How are you and Vicky doing and the family ?

We are are doing alright and the family is good . I can't wait until the new season starts I haven't missed a episode yet . Hold that is my cell ringing .

Hi can I speak with Riker Lynch please !

This is Riker Lynch can I help you ?
Yes my new is Jessica I am a nurse from Hope Hospital we got Vicky Lynch her and she has been in a really bad car accident a drink driver crossed on her lane flipping her car 3 times and we need you to come to the hospital.

Oh my god is my wife alright ? I will be on my way now !
Yes of right now Mr. Lynch she has slip into a coma .When u get her just ask for Jessica .
Okay thank you ! ... Grant I have to go man Vicky was in a bad car accident a drunk driving cross into her lane flipping her car 3 times and she has slip into a coma I need to get to the hospital .

Omg Riker buddy let me drive and you can call the family .
Okay thanks she is at Hope Hospital downtown . ... Hi mom can you meet me at Hope Hospital and bring everyone please . Vicky was in a bad car accident and it flipped her car 3 times and she has now slipped into a coma .Grant is driving me there now .
Omg son yes honey we will meet you there.

Hi I am looking for my wife Vicky Lynch was called and told she was in a bad accident .
Yes am Nurse Tina I have been working with your wife and the car accident left your wife in a coma and she has three broken ribs and one broken arm she was pin pretty good to the car . It was touch and go for a while then she started breathing on her own . So to pre warn your is is bruised all over . Are you ready to to go in?
Yes nurse Tina I am she is my wife and I love her .

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