Chapter 15

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9 months later !!

Time has jumped and Vicky and Riker are due to have there baby's at any time . Vicky and Riker found out they are having twins one girl and one boy . Now on with the chapter!

Riker my water just broke we need to get to the hospital ."

"OMG I am coming Baby be right there . Mom and everyone Vicky's water just broke its time to head to the hospital.

"Okay Son we will meet you there . Just stay calm so you don't get Vicky to stressed . "

"I won't Vicky baby I got everything in the car now lets get you into the car now .

"Sir can I help you ?"

"Yes My name is Riker Lynch and My fiance water just broke "

"Okay lets get you into the birthing room 21 . Please follow me and we can get Vicky hooked up to a IV then we can see how far she is to deliveing .

"Riker when the baby's are born and am healed I want us to get married what do you think about that ?

"Anything you want baby I love you so much and you and our babies are my life . "

"Hi Riker and Vicky I am Dr. Linda i will be filling in since your doctor is out of town . It looks like we can start at anytime for you to push Vicky . I wil be right back going to get some nurse to help . "

"Riker am scared do you think we will be good parents like Mama Storime and Papa Mark ?"

"Baby all we can do is be the best we can . So for the names what should they be ?"

I want to keep the letter R going . For the girl I was thinking Riley Rydel Lynch . And for the boy I was thinking I was thinking Ryan Anthony Lynch . What do you think ?"

Those names are wonderful baby ."

"Okay Vicky I want you to push on my count 1, 2, 3 push , Push one more time Vicky I almost got her out . Aw here is your daughter guys . And she is health . Now rest a minute then we can get your sone out . 1, 2, 3 push Vicky you have a health baby boy . Congrats you too . I will leave you to be amazed . If you need anything rest ring your bell .

"Wow baby they both look like us both . "

"Hello Riley , Ryan we are you Mommy and Daddy . Baby do you feel up to the family coming in ?"

"Sure that would be great Riker I am just going to hold our beautiful babies .

"Well Riker what did you have ?"

"If you all follow me I will let you all meet the newest edition to the Lynch family ."

"Everyone we would like you all to me Riley Rydel Lynch and Ryan Anthony Lynch "

"OMG They are so beautiful babies Riker and Vicky ."

"Thanks Mama Stormie and Papa Mark and everyone . Mama Stormie and Papa Mark would you like to hold your grand babies?"

"Yes that would be wonderful!

" Well Everyone I think I am going to rest for a little while since the babies are resting . Riker do you think you can head home and set there rooms up if someone can help you ?"

"Yes baby I can do that . Guys to you all want to help me set up the twins room ? I know I have three days before they can come home ."

"Yes Son we can help you . Vicky honey if you need anything just let me know alright sweetie ?"

"Yes Mama Stormie I can do that . 

"Riker are you happy that Vicky and the babies are coming home this morning?"

"Yes I am and I am on the way out to get my family now . I will bring them by on our way home Mom so you can see your grand kids ."

"Thanks Son see you soon."

"Hi Baby are you ready to head home now ?"

"Yes I am ready I got Riley and Ryan dressed  if you carry one I will hold the other one since they are wheeling me down stairs . "

"Hi Vicky you ready to head down stairs?"

"Yes I am and thank you for everything . And your kindness."

"Riker are we heading to your parents house I want some of your Mom's ice tea ?

"Yes baby we are . I told mom I would come by so she could see the babies before we went home .

Hi Everyone we are home !!

"Wow Vicky and Riker they do look like you guys and they are very beautiful what are there names ?"

"Ellington thank you and there names are Riley Rydel Lynch and Ryan Anthony Lynch .

"Aw such cool names I see you kept the Letter R going ?"

"Yes we did Mom and Dad started and we are going along with them . Mom do you have any ice tea made Vicky was wanting a glass ?"

Yes Son I have some made I will get her a glass .

"Aw Riker look your wife to be has fallen a sleep with Ryan on her stomach. Take a photo that would make for a good photo to put in the baby books and on the wall . "

"Oh no we forgot to get baby books . "

"Don't worry Son Rydel and Ellington went to get them .

I will have to thank them when they get back . First I want to cover Vicky and Ryan . How is Riley doing?

She is just about a sleep . I am going to put Riley in her car seat next to Vicky so she won't wake up scared that someone took her daughter . Because i have done that before as well . "

"Mom, Me and Vicky want to get married in the next to weeks can you help me plan it so I can surprise Vicky ?"

"I would love to son . Lets start planning it this weekend ."

Okay thanks mom . I am going to lay down next to Vicky on the pull out bed .

"Okay honey sleep well , See you when you wake up .

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