Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Vicky Pov

I was getting ready for mine and Riker 's first coffee date and I got out mine R5 t-shirt and black shorts and white shoes and got dress and grabbed my keys and phone and went to my car and drove to Starbucks by my house and when I got there I park the car and walked in and saw Riker sitting at the table .

Hi Riker it's nice to see you again ." Hi Vicky it really nice to see you again as well . So what would you like to drink? " I would like a coffee with cream and sugar . " Okay I will be right back "
Hi can I help you?" Yes I would like two large coffees with cream and sugar ." Okay that will be 5.00 dollars please. Okay here are your drinks. I got back to the table and handed the coffee to Vicky. So Vicky tell me a little about your self.

Well I was born and raise in LA and I went to college for writing and music and acting . I am a only child . And my mom past away when I was born and my dad is in the marines . I started writing music my second year of college . And got sign on to Hollywood records last year . That is pretty much it .

"Wow that is really good and I really love your songs you have wrote. Well let me tell you a little about myself . As you know I am in a band called R5 with my two brothers and sister and our best friend . I other brother is a DJ and my mom and dad you have meet . I am a actor I have been in some movies and I was Jeff in the TV show Glee . My favorite color is blue . And I help write some of our songs that we play and sing"

I love the show Glee . And I love You guys album and I can't wait to hear the new album that is coming out . So what do you do in your spare time ?"

Well in my spare time I usually play sports or go out will the family on vacation to relax some . But lately we have been getting ready for our summer tour which has been a lot of work . But we love our R5 family and we want to make them love our new stuff. What do u do for your spare time"

I enjoy reading and writing and playing sports and spending time with my dad when I can .And with me starting my career i am ready for some time to relax . (I saw that my dad has text me)
Give me a minute Riker my dad just texted me .

Dad: Hey honey I just wanted to let you that I have to go to the base I will be home later tonight . I love you and be safe.

Me: Hi daddy okay see you when u get home . And I am always safe and I love you too

"Is everything alright Vicky ? " Yes my dad was letting me know he had to head to the base .But I do need to head home so I can finish my song I am writing ." Okay but would u like to go to dinner tomorrow night?

Yes I would love to go to dinner with you. What time should I be ready?" Can u be ready at 7 ? Yes I can . I will see you then and thank you for the coffee. Bye Riker "

Bye Vicky .

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