Chapter 4

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Riker's POV

"Thanks for coming out and for being loud with us! Until next time R5Family. We love you all! We wanted to say a special thanks to Vicky Hudson for being a part of our show tonight! Everybody give it up for Vicky!" Everyone started cheering as the tall girl who was stood next to me smiled shyly and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

We all walked back stage and into our dressing room as I glanced back every now and then and looked around the hallway as Rydel asked me, "Riker who you looking for bro?"

"I was hoping to talk to Vicky before we head to the next place." I stated and continued looking around again.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere or in her tour bus."

"Thanks Rydel." I thanked her quickly

So Ryland where we heading next?" I asked Ryland as we put the instruments into the tour bus and quickly sat in our seats when the bus engine started, "We're heading to Boston Mass. We should be there sometime in the morning."

"Cool we can't wait." Everyone replied at the same time excitedly as I looked out of the window, ignoring what the others were talking about and just loosing myself in the music I was listening to through my headphones, and the thoughts about Vicky.

I heard Rocky ask, "So does anyone know what is going with Riker because he is acting weird?" I didn't have the music on full volume so I could still hear them talking faintly.

A few seconds later, I heard Rydels voice, "I think he has a crush on Vicky. He was looking for her earlier before we left," I looked up at her as she nudged me in the shoulder and I put down my headphones as she asked, "So what do you all think about that song she was singing?"

"I think she was wonderful and she has some good moves as well." I smiled at the thought of Vicky as I responded and went back to listening to my music.

A few hours had passed and I was laying on my bunk, looking up at the ceiling and my thoughts were no one else but Vicky. I heard my phone vibrate and reached for it to see a text from an unknown number. When I read the message, I smiled to myself as soon as I realised who the message was from.

Vicky: Hey Riker. It's me Vicky. I hope you don't mind me sending you a text. But I was wondering if you wanna grab some coffee when we get to Boston.

Me: hi Vicky. It's cool. I was just trying to figure out how to get your number cause I was wanting to take you out sometime,

Vicky: That would be great. We can talk or text whenever you want to. Let's talk tomorrow about a good time we can meet up cause I gotta go now.

Me: sure, awesome. Good night.

Vicky: Same to you!

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