Chapter 10

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"Welcome to the Ritz Hotel how can I help you?"
"Hi yes I have reservations under Lynch"
"Okay Mr.Lynch here are your room keys would you like help with your bags?
"No thank you . And are the rooms close together?
"Yes sir , if you need anything let us know . Have a nice stay"
"Okay everyone knows who is with who , and when we are done we can hit the beaches for a while then we can explore . What do you all say?
"That sounds great Dad . We will meet you and mom in the lobby.

"Hi Vicky are you ready to head down to the lobby to meet everyone?"
"Yes I am I got everything I need . This place is really beautiful I am glad that you all invited me to come along.
Vicky you are apart of the family now and everyone loves you.Hey everyone lets hit the beach for surfing.

We walked down to the beach and found a spot to put our stuff we pulled out the chairs and coolers under the umbrella . The guys went to the water and me and Rydel stand on sun bath .
"Rydel and Vicky come in the water it is beautiful ."
"Alright we are coming guys ."
"Wow the guys are right the water was beautiful . And so clean we got out the water proof cameras and took photos . Then mama Stormie took a group photo with me on Riker's shoulder and Rydel on Ellington's shoulder . Then the guys drop us in the water ."
"This day has been wonderful . We stay until the sun went down and we packed everything up and went back to the hotel to shower and change and get something for dinner ."

We all met back in the lobby and found walked into and found a nice restaurant to eat at . Let me say the food smells wonderful.
"Hello welcome to Cindy's place  how many ?"
There is 9 of us."
"Okay follow me . And if you don't mind me asking but are you the band R5?
"Yes we are . Are you a fan?
"Yes I am along with my mom who own this restaurant. What can I get you all to drink?"
"Four cokes 2 dr.peppers and 1ice tea with lemon.
"Okay I will be back with you drinks help your self to the salad bar."
"Okay here is our drinks are you ready to order ?
Yes we are going to have the buffet ."
"Okay enjoy your dinner if you need anything else just let me know . Am your waiter Amy .
"Wow the food is really good . I am glad this place was open for us to have dinner at. "
"Alright kids when we get back to the hotel you can do what you want . We are going to get some rest since we have been up since 4am to get here. We love you all good night .
"Good night mom and dad.
"Okay I am thinking the same thing I am tired . I love ya all . Good night .
"Good night Vicky see you the morning baby . "
"Good Night Vicky sleep well .

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