Chapter 69 Harshen Valley

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The Valley in the Demon lord's eye.

The place where the Demon lord touched once.

The Demon lord's playground.

Demon lords Toe.

Harshen Valley went by many names that revolved around the Demon lord, it was a valley who had unintentionally saved the demon lord once when he had to flee and regain his footing. Because of this very rumor, and because of the names bestowed upon it, but not too sure about that last one, the Harshen town had become an outcast to the Redore Kingdom, luckily it was at the very outskirts, so the kingdom didn't have to deal with them directly. Instead shunning everyone there. It had been a town filled with beauty and happiness, the people there knew one another and welcomed strangers who needed a rest with utmost hospitality.

But because of this the Harshen town which was in a Valley had become a hot spot for ransacking and thievery. It had become a place where people now when to hide. And somewhere one could commit heinous crimes.

It had terrible protection as the guards could easily be bribed to look the other way and make an easy couple of gold coins.

This is where Nadain was currently at, she sat down on one of the many taverns where drunkards brawled and fought on an ongoing banter. All furniture that used to be replaced when broken was now patched up terribly and some held three legs. Luckily, the people who lived there tried not to damage the furniture anymore as they didn't want to leave to another tavern that was worse.

Nadain had seen the sun set as she waited for the person who was supposed to meet her at the shadiest corner in the tavern. She hid herself quite well, if the men had noticed she was a clean and beautiful woman they would have raped her one by one right there in the open.

If someone asked about the women here the men would say:

"These whores? They're all used up, even the children."

Sadly, no woman or little girl was pure anymore, which deemed it even a hellish place anyone could quickly visit and dump a body in the middle of the road, and no one would bat an eye.

That's how terrible this place had been reduced to.

"Hey there, you Nadain?" A slurred voice came from her right.

"Pftt... You gave this human your actual name?" The demon inside mocked as Nadain heard it cackling in the back of her head.

"Yes." Nadain spoke as she lowered her hood further than it already was.

"Relax man, I ain't gonna stab ya... Yet." The man laughed amused by the small "man" before him.

Due to Nadain's armor and huge raggedy coat and obviously the hood over her face no one had noticed the fresh woman near them. Even the guard had no clue, they had thought he was a short man, since their world did not approve of women adventurers.

They weren't rare, not at all, in fact there are many women adventurers, it was mainly because they were weak that no male group would bring them, because they would slow them down. The usual fantasy novel would have women as healers or archers, or even simple magic casters. But it was a known fact that women are known to have low magic capacity, which meant that they could only cast a few spells before they couldn't go on anymore. Of course, Nadain was not like any other woman, she of course was the Female Lead, no one can push her down and make her feel inferior when she was a child to this world.

"Just tell me about the noble that kidnaps women who catch his eye." Nadain said, trying to make her voice low and raspy.

"Ah yes, well he goes by the name of Anto Dalibor, he's a very rich and well-known merchant that's pays for what he wants." The man began to spill what he knows to the not so fun man before him. "He uses his free time to disguise himself as a traveler to find interesting women."

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