7th world Chapter 54

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7th world Chapter 54

With a sigh as he opened his watery eyes to the color changing world, he turned them towards the sticky soul. It somehow grew bigger than before.

[Master, I have yet to inform you of the additional souls.] The system's floating hexagon form moved as it spoke.

"... What additional souls?" The beauty said as he turned a sharp gaze towards the system.

[It seems that in your last world, while in the body of Karim, the Children's soul had also joined us after their own natural deaths.] The system explained.

"What did you do to them?" He spoke with a voice that held hidden anxiousness.

[I had placed them in a temporary space, making sure they do not move to another world. I was waiting until the proper opportunity to speak to master about it.]

"You should have told me sooner, show them to me." He ordered.

[. . .]

A small soft and glowing orange space opened to let out five floating small souls. At the reveal, the sticky soul had quickly gone to their side and seemed to float around them gently. As If sensing that it held a connection with all of them.

"I wonder how this had happened." He turned towards the system. "Do you know anything?"

[This system has no information to conclude this outcome.]

"A theory is always to be put to the test, for a soul like my own, that goes through many worlds, does this mean that giving birth will also make special souls like mine?" He pondered. "But then again, I've also given birth in other worlds, and I have also given my own seed to a woman to give birth to children, that couldn't be possible, that also doesn't make the theory impossible since I was under shackles back then. Not only that on one of the worlds that I wasn't a slave to, I did give another woman a child." He gave a frustrated hum as he ran a hand through his silver white hair.

[From my own analysis these children have a part of master's own soul mixed in with theirs, this piece doesn't affect master in the least, in fact I can tell master's soul has become sturdier than when master had left the previous worlds.] The system spoke with a bit of information he had stored when the souls had first appeared.

"So you say, if these souls in fact hold a piece of myself, does that mean they are me?" The beauty pondered.

[Negative master, these souls also contain a piece of the first soul in them.] It corrected.

"If my own soul grew due to giving birth to them, then it makes sense this sticky soul grew too since he also holds some responsibility." He nodded as he started to piece some things together.

"I guess we'll have to let them go through worlds as well, if this sticky soul could grow as worlds go by, then these souls could as well... These souls... Our Childrens' souls." The simple ring to those words made a small smile linger on his lips.

[Would that be wise master?]

"Why wouldn't it be?" His eyes looked towards the 3D hexagon dangerously.

[If by chance they are born in horrible surroundings. What will master do?] The system cleared up.

"You do have a point, but would they become rebellious if they were just here floating doing nothing?"

[Negative master, the space I created for them hold spiritual items from the shop that they can directly interact with, they will be most entertained while master is away, and during the time I can also check in on them for master if master needs any updates on them.]

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