Chapter 59 Charm

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"Young master." A dark-like voice sounded from his doorway, he had left the door open so he could catch a maid if he needed something.

William turned to see Elliot with a sulking look. "What." He raised an eyebrow confused at the way his butler was in such a foul mood.

"What are you looking at?" He asked with a forced smile.

"Outside." William replied with a roll to his golden eyes.

Sure, he might seem annoyed and irritated on the outside but inside he's laughing up a storm, this butler of his, this sticky soul of his, he sure does seem about ready to break.

When will it be until you break dear? William thought shamelessly as he leaned back with a sigh as he looked outside.

"It seems as if you're looking at the gardener." Elliot asked with an innocent dark smile.

Outside the window was indeed the gardener, he was well built and tanned, his body ripped from the many sacks of soil or fertilizer he would carry daily. His face was always an idiotic smile as he tended to the flowers of the garden, cutting, and snipping off any of the dead leaves or flowers. He wasn't a lead gardener; he had joined the staff about a month ago. And was already loved by all staff for his bright and caring personality, he was so well talked about that even William himself heard about him.

He was Indeed handsome, but for William the man was an idiot. He liked someone with a backbone, someone who is not afraid to get his hands dirty if it meant that something needed to get done, more of a possessive nature, someone like...

This sticky soul of his.

It's always a pleasure to see the man get agitated and sulk when he would turn to look at another man or woman. It gave him a warm feeling.

He really does love this man too much, to think he was about to remove this soul for getting in the way of his ultimate goal, which in turn was progressing too slow for his liking, he held the amulet in his space, occasionally taking it out at random location around the kingdom, but would that mean that it wasn't in this kingdom but another? Or maybe not in this world at all? He sighed as he looked away from the glaring butler looking at the gardener.

"What do you think of me Mownan?" William suddenly asked.

His nine-year-old self looking at the butler as if he were finally the master of the house and the CEO of the ice cream company.

"You are my young master, my one and only to serve and protect. I would not want any other than you." He bowed with a serious look.


He knew it was bad to suddenly laugh at this butler of his, he's already been walking on thin ice with his teasing. But he's just too damn adorable!

"Young master." Elliot looked shocked, this was the first time his young master had laughed or smiled at what he did.

He smiled lightly at finally being able to get his master to react.

"Sorry, it sounded more like a love confession than swearing your loyalty for me." William smiled tenderly at his butler for the first time.

"Either one, whether it be a love confession or my undying loyalty, I will always choose you young master." Elliot stepped forward and bowed once more, gaining a tender pat on the head from his young master.

"Isn't that being a creep that prays on kids?" William looked at Elliot with a look of wariness.

"Then I will wait until you turn eighteen and confess once more." Elliot teased as he noticed the genuine light blush on William's ears.

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