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(Unedited) - Word Count: 2291

Did You Have Fun?

Warning: This chapter contain's triggering and traumatic topic's concerning gun violence.

We all split up individually, going in our assigned direction's. I was to the downstair's east hallway. Kenma was going to the downstair's west hallway. Kuroo went upstair's east hallway, leaving Kou with the upstair's west hallway.

Obviously Kenma and I went upstair's to plant our trickery among the creepiest room's. There was about 5 room's down each hallway. The building only had about 4 hallway's. Only about 3 room's down my hallway would be rigged with my special tool's, since i hadn't brought very many. I wasn't sure what trick's Kenma ended up bringing, but of course when something would happen I'd know who's doing it was.

I opened the first door in my hallway and walked in slowly, admiring the neglected room. Inside sat a large round table in the center, with 6 chair's surrounding it. All of them were pushed in, providing the fact that the room was left away to waste. There was 2 desk's on either corner's of the room with round mirror's above them. A small chandelier sat above the center table, no power to light it though, leaving the room quite dim.

I sat a small speaker behind the left corner dresser and pulled out my phone to turn bluetooth on. I powered on the speaker and connected the two. I then pre-prepared some sound's to play on YouTube.

I skimmed a few more room's and set up a string trap with a can to pull when I was ready. Were they good prank's? No, but I'd still get a giggle from it. They were just harmless little jokes.

Eventually it came to the time where we'd meet back up at the middle. I managed to convince everyone that we should re-explore the place as a whole because i heard "weird noises." of course i was lying but they believed me anyway. They had pebble's for brain's.

We decided to start from the upstair's east hallway. I heard somewhere that if you stay to the right It'll prevent you from getting lost. I'm not really sure if that applies in this situation though.

As we scoured each room, Kuroo acted as a tour guide. Showing us each of the uninteresting thing's he had found when he searched it first. We found a room that looked to be a library. We found a room with boxes full of printer paper. Two of the room's were normal bedroom's, and the last room seemed to be an old broken down meth lab, which was the only cool room down this hallway.

Then we went down Kou's hallway. This hall was darker than Kuroo's was. I shined my flashlight down it. It was slightly creepy. I went first being a bit cautious. The floor creaked with each step i took. I opened the first door and shined my light in, to see a collection of porcelin doll's sitting in a display case.

"The fuck they got going on in here?" Kenma questioned.

"Right? This room scared the shit out of me when i came in." Kou retorted.

I shined my light more around the room only to discover the whole room was filled with them. Now I'm a firm believer in the paranormal, especially the idea that spirit's attach themself's to people and object's, so i made sure to make it a quick trip out of this room.

The next room Kou went in first, confidently. It was just an office. It had a few desk's and smashed computer's. There was document's sitting on the desks. I walked over to a file cabinet and opened it. There was a bunch of portfolio's of people who've died, along with their death certificate's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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