20 || Your Hand in Mine

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After that kiss in the rain, everything changed.

When we returned to school on Tuesday, things were fine on the outside, but it all spilled over when Quinn and I took seats across from each other at lunch. We caught some of the glee club members sneaking glances at us. I saw Rachel sipping what looked like - champagne? - while staring straight at us, not bothering to hide it at all.

The rest of the glee club was still chronically drunk, and I just didn't care at this point. All I hoped was that they didn't drive. Quinn had looked sober yesterday afternoon, but right now she looked like a hot mess.

When Richard walked into the courtyard today, he looked extremely disheveled. He directly approached us, holding the table to steady himself. He had a dopey smile on his face. "Are you guys on a date?" He asked, slurring his words. I guess Alan hasn't been around lately to discourage him from drinking either...

Quinn raised her eyebrow at me and looked like she wanted to punch him, but I just shook my head at her and replied, "No," to Richard.

Before he could say anything else or accidentally out us to the whole school, I got up and pushed him over to where the glee kids and Alan were sitting. I think Richard and Rachel were the most addicted to be honest; they were completely out of it.

Alan raised his eyebrows and brought Richard to the bathroom to sober up. What a kind soul, a pity his shoes will probably be ruined by Richard's vomit- yep, there it is. Alan glared over at me before continuing down the hall with him.


The rest of the day was fine - for me, at least. Surprisingly, none of the glee club had questioned me about kissing Quinn. I'm not sure about them asking her, though I hope they haven't. She deserves privacy as much as I do. 

I still don't know how they saw.

That wasn't on my mind for long, though, as I tailed Quinn's car to her house. I wasn't stalking her, we'd just both brought our cars today and wanted to spend time together after school.

I parked and got out. Quinn had already unlocked the door and was holding it open for me. I made to grab the door and shut it behind us, but she said, "After you," with a terribly concealed smile.

"How chivalrous," I replied with an equally not-hidden smile.

She closed the door after us, and then we walked into the living room. Only, we weren't alone... Judy was there.

Quinn took in a sharp breath when we noticed her, annoyed and surprised. "Oh - Mom, I thought you wouldn't be home..."

"I was five minutes late to the interview so they called it off." She laughed warily. Then she noticed me. "Oh, Maya! It's lovely to see you." She stood from the couch, clasped her hands and looked me up and down before bringing me into a tentative hug.

Quinn just rolled her eyes though, tapping her foot impatiently. Judy pulled back not long after. "We're going up to my room." Quinn grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs before either of us could respond.

I sat on her bed, looking around her room in awe. She closed her door and took a seat next to me.

After a minute of looking around in comfortable silence, Quinn asked softly, "Do you like it?" I swear her every word made me melt.

"It's so... different than I remember." I paused, then added hastily, "Not bad different, you've just changed a lot." Her room used to be gold and white with a light pink accent color. Trophies upon trophies. Simple paintings that didn't match her. No pictures of herself in sight.

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