Series! Kai x Reader }} Evil Twin

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A/N: super cute oneshot. Only wanting would be the evil twin from season two does something similar to you that Jay's twin does to Nya and you freak out a bit. There's an arguing scene but that's it. Enjoy y'all!


Word count: 3333

Y/N's P.O.V

To say I was absolutely floored when Kai kissed me would be an understatement.

Me and Kai had been a very small thing these past few months. We went on a few dates here and there and he always flirted with me. He got me flowers and always texted me good night and good morning.

I was hesitant. Not just because I would be dating a Ninja, but because Kai had a habit of always flirting. He was the playboy after all. I don't deny that I have grown feeling for him, but I've kept myself safe from everything that follows that group.

Lord Garmadon scares the shit out of me. Him and his weapon of whatever it is. I don't like it. Not to mention him taking the bounty. Still wrapping my head around the flying ship.

Anyway, I still got along with the group quite well. Don't know if I am much help, but I'm here.

I did visit Nya at her job at the mechanic shop she works at and I bring her food when she's there. We eat and talk together, mostly about her connection with Jay and my connection with Kai. So today was no different then any other day really.

I walked into the shop around the same time as always. Nya was working on the new secret vehicle she was making for the Ninja.

"Any more progress?" I asked, plopping down in the same chair I sat at.

"Just a few more fixes and it's ready to go! I hope the appreciate this." Nya exclaimed.

"You know they will. The boys would be absolutely lost without you." I reassured.

"That's true. I'm probably the only full brain between them." I laughed at her statement.

"So, what exactly are they doing today?" I asked.

"They're going to Lloyd's old school. I guess they made it good and they've invited the Ninja there to thank them for showing them thank you I guess." Nya shrugged, stepping into my vision from behind the vehicle.

"That's - interesting." I said pursing my lips together giving her a confused look. "Sounds fake."

"Yeah, but they all have huge egos and thick skulls so they belive it and me questioning it meant nothing." She laughed.

"Us and our women's intuition. We know better than to walk in there." I joked.

"I have no doubt about that." She said, taking a sip of water.

"I ordered food. I'll have to leave to pick it up in a few." I added. "Its from the place down the street so I'll be gone 5 minutes top."

"That's good. Thank you." She smiled. I waves her off when I got a notification food was ready.

"Speaking of food, it's ready. I'm going to go get it." I said, standing up from my place.

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