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The number 17 car pulls into the pit road before coming to its pit stop.
"Jack, you realize you got this in the bag, right?" Buddy Hubbard asks Jack Toretto as he unclips the net on Jack's window. Jack takes the water that Buddy offers him. "Season's wrapped up, man. Doesn't matter where you place."
"I'm telling you, I got intermittent miss," Jack says as he hands the water back to Buddy. "For the two laps."
"On it!" Buddy says before turning to one of the pit crew members. "Get those plug wires!"
"Jakob! Now," Jack yells at his youngest son, who happens to be the crew member that Buddy was yelling at. Jakob nods before raising the hood of the car as Dominic, Jack's oldest son, rushes over. Jakob looks over to the bench by the pit stop to see his girlfriend, Breilla Ortiz. Jakob gives her a worried look, causing Bree to start biting her thumb nail.

"Hey, Pop," Dom says as he leans against the window of the car.
"Tell me what you see Dom," Jack orders as he looks at his son proudly.
"Got an oil spill going into turn two," Dom explains as he begins to list everything that he has seen. "Bell's driving safe. Corbin's got a sponsor in the stands, so he's pushing it. You got a real problem with car 23."
"Linder," Jack says with a nod as he has seen it too. Dom begins to argue with Linder's crew, who are two spaces back. Bree stands up while yelling at Linder's crew before her sister, Letty, joins her. "Hey! Leave it. He's just pissed because I got that spot in the Busch Series next season, not him. Life's got no shortage of guys like Kenny Linder."
"Girls! Cut it out," Buddy orders with a glare, not liking the fact that they were even there.
"You're good!" Jakob tells him as he closes the hood before patting it, heading over to Bree.
"It's not about being the stronger man, Dom," Jack advises his son, who is clipping the net back. "It's about being the bigger one." Jack takes off back onto the track as Jakob wraps an arm around Bree, kissing the side of her head. Linder follows behind Jack before bumping into the back of another car.
"I swear to god, this guy," Dom says as he shakes his head while watching the race. "Pop, turn two, turn two!"
"Got it. I'm walking him in," Jack says as he drives high on the track. Jack quickly drops lower on the track as he sees the oil spill that Dom had mentioned, causing Linder to drive into it which causes him to slightly lose control and bump into the wall. "Tell me what you see, Dom." Dom quickly moves to where he can see the rest of the track while Jakob walks over to Buddy.
"He's gonna come at you for that," Dom says as he keeps looking between his dad and Linder.

"Are they not the hottest?" Letty asks as she looks at her sister, who looks from the race to Jakob.
"Definitely," Bree answers as she looks at Letty with a smirk.

"Get ready on your left," Dom tells Jack as Linder drops to Jack's left while Jack looks down at his dash as it begins to make noise. Linder bumps into Jack, causing his car to turn before connecting with the wall as it catches fire. The car rolls as it is hit by another car while Dom rips his headset off before running towards the track with Buddy right behind him. Buddy grabs Dom, holding him back from being ran over as he cries and yells for his dad. Bree holds onto Letty in shock and fear as she sees Jakob drop to his knees while crying.
"That's my dad! That's my dad!" Dom yells as Buddy continues to hold him back.
"He's gone! He's gone!" Buddy says as he looks at the burning car in shock.
"We got to get him out of there," Dom says as he fights against Buddy while Jakob stares at the burning car, wondering if it was his fault. "We got to get him out of there! That's my dad!" Bree breaks out of her shock before running over to Jakob in an attempt to comfort him. "That's my dad! That's my dad! That's my dad! Get him out of there! That's my dad!"


Bree quickly wakes up with a gasp as she hears Lydia start crying.
"I got her," Roman grumbles as he presses a kiss to the side of Bree's head before getting out of bed. Bree lets out a sigh while running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm herself down. It had been years since Bree had that nightmare of that fatal day but it only made her think that something big was about to happen to the Toretto family. Bree reaches for her phone to look at the time and as she picks it up the phone goes off as Ramsey calls her.
"Ramsey, what's wrong?" Bree asks after she answers the phone. "It's like three in the morning."
"Sorry for the earlier hours but I figured this would be important enough," Ramsey apologizes before explaining why she called. "I just received an encrypted message from Mr. Nobody, which ended up being a video message because his plane was being attacked."
"I'd say that's important enough," Bree says with a huff as Roman walks into the room with Lydia in his arms. "Call Tej and meet here as soon as you can."
"Tej is already on his way to pick me up, so I'll see you soon," Ramsey says before they hang up the phones.
"Someone had a nightmare," Roman says as he carries Lydia over to Bree before Lydia immediately climbs into Bree's arms. "What's going on?"
"Mr. Nobody's plane was attacked and he sent an encrypted message to Ramsey," Bree says as Lydia snuggles against her chest while Bree soothingly rubs her back.
"We're not on call anymore, Bree," Roman says as he shakes his head while sitting on the bed before looking at Lydia. "We have different priorities now."
"I know but I can't help but feel like we owe him with everything he's done for us," Bree explains with a frown, causing Roman to let out a defeated sigh because he knows that she is right. "Whether we like it or not, this will always be a part of who we are. We just have to make sure that we make it home this time."

Dom walks out of his garage, pumping his shot gun as he points it at the approaching car.
"Yo, yo!" Roman yells from the car as Tej, who is driving, comes to a stop. Roman puts his hands out the window in surrender. "We come in peace. We come in peace!" Dom lowers his gun as Roman opens the door before stepping out of the car with his hands in the shape of a heart. "It's me! The father of your niece!" Dom looks at Letty before they share a smirk. "Roman? Maybe you don't recognize me cause I've been tanning all week, bro." Roman rubs his face before Bree slaps him across the back of the head, causing Letty and Dom to laugh.
"B, come out, son," Dom calls as Letty tucks her gun into the shirt tied around her waist before Dom hands her his gun. Little Brian climbs out of the box as Letty puts up the guns while Tej pulls up to the house.
"What you gonna do with that thing, man?" Roman asks as he climbs out of the car, followed by Bree and Ramsey. "What, you out here trying to kill elephants or something?"
"We would've called first," Ramsey says as she walks over to Letty, giving her a hug.
"Except you actually need phones in order to get phone calls," Tej says as he walks around the car while Dom walks over with little Brian holding his hand. Roman gives Letty a hug as Ramsey steps back. "You know that right?"
"There's my handsome nephew," Bree says with a smile before picking him up to hug him.
"Little B!" Roman says with a smile as Bree sets little Brian down before Roman gives him a hug.
"Hi!" Brian says with a smile.
"Wow. You're so big," Ramsey says with a smile as she waves at Brian. "Hi."
"Now, I know you don't carpool and I don't see my niece," Dom says with a smile as he looks at Tej before looking at Ramsey, Bree, and Roman. "So what's up?"

"Mayday! Mayday!" Mr. Nobody calls on the video. "My plane is under attack by a rogue agent." Static. "We're being boarded. I've got dangerous cargo on board." Gunshot in the background. "I need you to assemble the team." Static. "Still alive." Static. "I'll explain." Mr. Nobody grunts as he is tackled to the ground. The video cuts out.

"It's an SOS transmission from Mr. Nobody's plane," Ramsey explains as she looks at Dom and Letty. "It came through with a mess of encrypted data, most of which I'm still trying to crack."
"Did anybody else get this?" Letty asks as she looks away from the tablet to Ramsey.
"Well, that's the thing," Bree says with a small sigh as she looks at her sister. "He sent it only to us."
"Why just us?" Letty asks as they all glance at Dom, who has been quiet. Bree looks over at Ramsey, giving her a nod before she pulls out a foldable keyboard, typing on it. On the tablet she brings up a photo of Cipher.
"He caught Cipher," Ramsey explains as Dom slightly glares at the picture with a frown. "But there was a midair attack, and she was extracted." Letty glances back Dom again, while Roman wraps an arm around Bree, knowing anything Cipher related is hard for her. "It seems his plane crashed somewhere here, over the northwest region of Montequinto." Ramsey brings the location up on the tablet.
"If Mr. Nobody survived, we need to find him," Tej takes over the explanation. "But the whole area is sealed off. Isolationist, run by military."
"We're not on call anymore," Dom finally says as he shakes his head, causing the team to look at him confused before he starts walking away.
"Wait, wait," Roman says as he quickly follows him. "Dom, this is Cipher." Dom stops walking as he tenses up. "The woman who killed the mother of your child and threatened the life of your son and your niece."
"Things change," Dom says as he looks back at the team before going inside, causing Letty to lightly shake her head.
"Listen, we're wheels up at 8:00am," Tej says as he hands Letty the tablet. "If you change your mind."
"Thank you," Letty says as she looks from the tablet to Tej. Bree pulls Letty into a hug since it has been a while since they last saw each other. "How's my niece?"
"She's good. Misses her Aunt Letty," Bree tells her with a happy smile. "She's with Mia and Brian." Letty nods in understanding. "I'm glad they were able to settle down because I know me and you aren't made that way."
"You got that right," Letty says with a sigh before Tej honks the horn. "Be safe."
"Always," Bree says with a smirk as she gets in the car before Tej leaves.

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