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Bree smiles sadly as Letty joins them later that night before she pulls her sister into a much needed hug.
"I don't understand why he won't help," Letty says with a sigh as she hangs onto her sister.
"He's playing it safe," Bree says as she slightly steps away from her sister. "His world has grown and changed. I think he's just having a hard time adjusting." Letty nods in understanding as she steps away from her sister. "But it's Dom. He'll be here when we need him most." Letty slightly laughs as she nods again knowing that her sister is right.

The next morning Tej, Letty, Ramsey, Bree, and Roman are walking towards the plane when they hear an engine roaring in the distance, causing them all to stop. Letty sighs in relief as she smiles at the sight of Dom's Charger before she looks over at Bree, who nods in understanding with a smile of her own.


"Coming up on the signal, two miles," Ramsey says over the comms from Tej's passenger seat as Dom leads the group. "It's deep in the militarized zone of Montequinto. I hope everyone's ready."
"Ready? Y'all want to make jokes about me not making practical decisions? This is as prepared as it gets," Roman questions as he drives his heavily armored vehicle.
"We all see you, man. Nobody thinks you're compensating for anything," Tej tells him sarcastically, causing Ramsey to laugh.
"Bree and I'll take point," Letty says as she drives up beside Dom on her bike.
"Careful," Dom tells her, causing Letty to roll her eyes.
"Careful's when you get hurt," Letty retorts as she pops a wheelie on her bike before leading the team with Bree quickly catching up to her.
"Right now, we have a ten-minute window between patrols," Ramsey explains as she pulls up a screen showing Mr. Nobody's plane's location before using a different screen to look at where the patrols are. "Mr. Nobody's signal is close, but we've got to move quickly, guys. We do not want to cross paths with the military here." Ramsey and Tej share a worried look as they pull up to the plane wreckage. Tej, Dom, and Roman get out of their vehicles with guns at the ready. "It's inside."
"Cover us," Dom orders before he leads the way inside the plane with Ramsey following him. Letty slowly follows behind them as she keeps her gun raised. Roman, Bree, and Tej walk around the wreckage looking for any signs of life.
"The source of the SOS signal is coming from inside this thing," Ramsey says as her device starts beeping before she walks over to a touch screen keypad that is in the floor.
"Somebody wanted in," Dom says as he sees where someone had tried busting into the box. "Plane must have gone down before they could cut through." Bree walks into the plane as she continues to look around.
"Or it was sent down on purpose to stop 'em," Letty suggests as she looks up at Dom.
"Yeah, well, their mistake was trying to cut into it," Ramsey says as she looks up at them from where she is kneeled by the keypad. "But just give me a minute. I can get in."
"Dom," Roman says quietly as he walks into the plane before he stops beside Bree, causing Dom to look at him. "There's not a soul in sight. No sign of Mr. Nobody."
"Got it," Ramsey says after a device beeps before she opens the box to find a smaller box inside. Letty kneels down to help her open the second box.
"What the hell is that?" Bree asks as Letty pulls out half of a sphere shaped device.
"Whatever it is, Mr. Nobody wanted us to find it..." Dom answers her before he is interrupted by gun fire. "Go!" Ramsey runs to Tej's truck as Letty and Bree run to their bikes before Letty puts the device under her seat while Dom, Tej, and Roman cover them. Roman runs for his vehicle but ends up in front of two of the military vehicles, causing him to duck. Dom runs to his car while Tej runs to his truck. Letty leads them away from the plane while Roman is left behind. Roman starts running up some stairs before ducking behind the wall on the side of the stairs.
"What?! You don't know who I am?! You think I'm scared?!" Roman yells at the soldiers as he holds his guns tightly before the soldiers rapidly fire at him, causing Roman to yell. Roman runs up the stairs, shooting at a soldier before he ducks for cover. Roman drops his guns since they are out of bullets before tackling a soldier through a hole in the floor. The soldiers quickly surround Roman on both levels. Roman grabs the gun from the soldier that he had tackled before shooting at the soldiers, taking them out one by one until there is no more. Roman drops the gun as he looks around in shock before feeling his bullet proof vest, where he had been hit several times. Roman runs over to his vehicle but stops when he comes face to face with another soldier pointing a gun at him.
"Duck!" Bree yells as she drives towards Roman and the soldier, gaining their attention. Roman ducks out of the way as Bree pops her bike into a wheelie before jumping off, causing the bike to run into the soldier. "You okay?!" Bree helps Roman up as she pulls him into a hug.
"Let's get out of here," Roman quickly says, causing Bree to nod before they quickly get into the vehicle.

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