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That night, Brian and Mia had gone to their room. Dom and Bree stay up talking about the future. As they are sitting there in the dark, they see Vince walk into the room with the car. Vince walks straight over to the radio-computer before pulling a chip out of the back of it.

"Almost wish I didn't see that," Dom says as he lets it be known that they are there. Vince looks at him shocked before dropping the chip. Dom starts walking towards Vince. "Almost."

"Wait, Dom," Vince says as he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Mia and Bree were on that train," Dom states as he glares at Vince. "My sister!" Dom shoves Vince into a column.

"I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt them," Vince yells at Dom.

"You set up the deal!" Dom yells as he gets in Vince's face.

"I thought the job was for the cars," Vince tells him. "I didn't know. All they want is the chip."

"Damn!" Dom yells as he hits the column on either side of Vince's head. "You should've come clean."

"What's going on out here?" Mia asks as she and Brian walk out of their room.

"Nothing," Dom answers as he walks away from Vince.

"Please, Dom, just let me have the chip. I can take it to them," Vince explains as he follows Dom. "They'll give it to Reyes and set things right."

"Get out," Dom says as Bree looks at him in slight shock.

"What?" Vince asks him.

"Get out!" Dom yells as he points at the door. Vince turns towards the door before looking at Brian then back at Dom.

"You never listen to me. Not when I told you he was a cop, and not now," Vince says causing Dom to glance over at Brian. "You never trust me and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now." Bree starts glaring at Vince as she feels anger flare inside her. "I can't go home! Your sister and Bree are stuck in this life! Where's Letty, Dom? Bree? Where's Letty?"

"You son of a bitch!" Bree yells as she punches Vince in the face before Dom grabs her. "Get out!" Dom pulls Bree into a hug as she starts to cry, since she is still not over losing her sister. Vince looks at her shocked as he holds his jaw before leaving.

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